Category "filesystems"

What does std::filesystem::is_regular_file(path) mean on Windows?

About std::filesystem::is_regular_file(path), says: Checks if the given file status or path corresponds to a regular file […] Equivalen

Archive files directly from memory in Python

I'm writing this program where I get a number of files, then zip them with encryption using pyzipper, and also I'm using io.BitesIO() to write these files to it

Unable to download image to local directory from url in expo react native

I am unable to download image in expo application(React Native for Android) after building my app file, but I am able to download image while debugging the appl

Print file on client side

I am using FileSaver.js to print an object array on the client side (HTML/Typescript). var blob = new Blob([JSON.stringify( marray)], {type: "text/plain;charset

Getting Error while adding File System ISE Logic App Connector

I have created an ISE Logic Apps environment, and am trying to add the FileSystem ISE connector to the Managed connectors list, as it does not appear in my defa

Creating folders in C++

I have recently started working in C++ and came across this situation when I have to create a directory while executing my code. The code is working fine when I

Using blockchain_parser to parse blk files stored on S3

I'm trying to use alecalve's bitcoin-parser pkg for python. The problem is, my node is saved on an s3 bucket. As the parser uses os.path.expanduser for the .dat

How to add layer on top of file system? Like cache in OneDrive or Google Drive

I'm looking for a way (using C# .Net or C++ and WinApi or anything) to add a layer between filesystem and client application to add custom behaviour. Like OneD

How do I save a FastAPI UploadFile which is a zip file to disk as .zip?

I'm uploading zip files as UploadFile via FastAPI and want to save them to the filesystem using async aiofiles like so: async def upload(in_file: UploadFile = F

Why Input/Output Error occurs when use ls command in my fuse filesystem?

Why I/O Error causes when I tried ls . command in my fuse filesystem? My filesystem has a limitation that it only allows mail address type as individual filenam

Way to handle the objects in C++

Every time when I run the code Compiler give the error of object already define and I don't know where I am making mistakes in the whole code. Even if I do th

Absolute fastest way to recursively delete all files and folders in a given path. Linux

I am looking for the absolute fastest method of performing unlink and rmdir commands on a path containing millions of files and thousands of folders. I have fo

Tauri window.__TAURI__.fs.readDir(... is unable to read directory - Error: path not allowed on the configured scope

I'm new to Tauri and I'm trying to read / ls a directory. window.__TAURI__.fs.readDir("", { dir: window.__TAURI__.fs.Dir.Data }).then(... Unhandl

FSEvents - get PID of the process that performed the operation

On OS X, using the FSEvents API, I can easily get file and directory notifications (created, removed, etc), for paths of interest. However, I was wondering if t

Check whether a path is valid in Python without creating a file at the path's target

I have a path (including directory and file name). I need to test if the file-name is a valid, e.g. if the file-system will allow me to create a file with such

Exploring Docker container's file system

I've noticed with docker that I need to understand what's happening inside a container or what files exist in there. One example is downloading images from the

docker image - merged/diff/work/LowerDir components of GraphDriver

Below is the manifest file entry snippet(docker inspect image redis) of redis image "GraphDriver": { "Data": { "LowerDir": "/var/li

docker image - merged/diff/work/LowerDir components of GraphDriver

Below is the manifest file entry snippet(docker inspect image redis) of redis image "GraphDriver": { "Data": { "LowerDir": "/var/li