Category "streaming"

Windowing on mapped stream is giving different results

Use Case : Map the input stream of sometype to another type and sink. Also apply the aggragator on the mapped stream to count the number of events of each event

Reducing outbound transfer in nginx rtmp server

I have a nginx-rtmp server for real time hls streaming with three rtmp stream running. Right now all the hls are streaming are at 3-4mbps, is there any i can re

Apache Kafka cannot start multiple instances on same local machine

I am trying to set up Apache Kafka on my local machine to try it out following this official guide: However, when I tried

Protect media content from copy or redistribution in Android

I want to i)stream media content to android device ii)read media content from sdcard of the android device. But the media content should be secured.No other

How to extract closed-captioning from streaming online video

I found this, but it seems to be about streaming videos that have been downloaded. Is there any way to extract the SRT from streaming videos without downloading

Flutter: Live TV channel steaming problem

I want streaming a Live TV channel. That's why I used flutter_vlc_player 3.0.3. When I click the button to starting live TV channel, sometimes it takes a long t

How to using realtime camera streaming in swiftui?

I build a StreamingView like this: struct StreamingView: UIViewRepresentable { func updateUIView(_ uiView: UIView, context: UIViewRepresentableContext<

FFMPEG record http video stream with normal speed

I'm recording an http stream from my IP Camera (TPLINK NC200), using this command: ffmpeg -i http://admin:[email protected]:8080/stream/getvideo -t 30 -aco