Category "firebase-analytics"

App Tracking Transparency implementation with firebase/facebook analytics

Since ios 14 developers are required to use App Tracking Transparency framework to request permissions from user for tracking. My app is running in flutter and

Including "implementation ''" causes app to crash at startup every time

Here is the Logcat: 2020-07-29 15:36:26.382 1382-8050/? I/ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] f

Firebase : Uncaught Error: Component analytics has not been registered yet

I'm working on getting firebase working for a webapp project for class. It has not been easy. I keep getting errors, and every change I make creates a different

Firebase - Perform Analytics from database/firestore data

I am using Firebase as my authentication and database platform in my React Native-Expo app. I have not yet decided if I will be using the realtime-database or F

Separate Firebase Analytics from different Firebase apps

I've a single Firebase project which includes multiple apps in multiple platforms (e.g. delivery company with different apps for customers and riders, some of t

Discrepancy in Daily user engagement between Firebase Analytics dashboard and BigQuery

I'm trying to develop a query against Firebase Analytics data linked to BigQuery to reproduce the "Daily user engagement" graph from the Firebase Analytics dash

How can I make Firebase analytics COPPA compliant using Unity?

How do I make Firebase Analytics COPPA compliant for Unity plugin?

Firebase Analytics Debug View does not show anything

I linked my Android app with Firebase using Android Studio Which created and set my google-service.json into my project. When i debug my event logging in logca

How to track events inside an app for link to store with utm params?

I can build link to an app in PlayStore with utm params. I need to know: How many installations happen for this link. How many events happen inside an app for t

Undefined symbol: _OBJC_CLASS_$_FIRApp

I m trying to add Firebase Analytic and Firebase Crashlytics using Swift package manager here is a link of git for firebase SDK

In Firebase Analytics, one of the devices listed is just "iPhone", what does this correspond to?

I see devices like iPhone X, iPhone XR, iPhone XS, then just "iPhone" without any model specifier. Which does this correspond to? Note it's not an aggregate va

Firebase Analytics for iOS — custom parameters with predefined events (Swift)

I'm trying to implement Firebase Analytics for Swift iOS app. Could you please explain, if it's possible to pass custom parameters with predefined AnalyticsEve