Category "telegram-bot"

python-telegram-bot stops working after 5 min

I have created a telegram bot that sends screenshots of the browser webpage. I have used python-selenium package in order to connect browser with telegram-bot b

How can I hide bot from searching in Telegram?

How can I make my bot hidden for search and accessible only via direct link?

Telegram bot analytics

I have checked telegram bot api web but could not find analytics api for bot, is telegram provide analytics api for bots, if yes any one have reference it will

find nearest location using node js and mysql telegram bot

I was trying to do a telegram bot that finds a nearby location using node js and mysql. but after finding users coordinate(latitude,Longitude) in mycase (mylat,

How to create unit test for a Python Telegram Bot

I've built this Telegram Bot in Python, with python-telegram-bot. It's not so complex, but I want to do some regression tests to check if everything works fine

aiogram Why code has expired for different users with the same api_i and api_hash?

I working on python telegram bot that allow login telegram client using registered user and then do some actions using user credentials ... ... But I got the fo

telegram web app for bots object is not contain user data

I have created a web app for my bot and also integrated the telegram "web app Script" The code of my web app is show

H14 in heroku web

Hello I was just trying to use web and worker based bot I mean something like with # telegram bot from pyrogram import Client,filters Bot = Client(api_i

Is it possible to use telegram bot inline button to get user live location?

I want to ask the user of the bot to share their live location using a message with two inline buttons (

See what link was used when new user joins to telegram channel

I am trying to make a telegram bot for accounting invite links. It is supposed to count how many times a certain link was used. I tried to get an invite link fr

'TeleBot' object has no attribute 'message_handler'

When I run the code below the following error message is displayed: 'TeleBot' object has no attribute 'message_handler'. import telebot from telebot import type

How to fix SocketException while connecting to Telegram Bot API in Java App

I'm working on my Telegram bot. I know, in my countries Telegram is locked, so I decide to connect to Telegram Bot API through proxy. When I try to run this cod

Is there a way to get the number of people that joined through a specific invite link with Telegram API?

In the Telegram app, you can see what members joined from which specific invite link. I would like to access that information through Telegram API. However, I c sends an ERROR when I want to create an API id/hash in API development tools section

I'm trying to get my API id/hash to create some bots for telegram , but in the API developmen tools section , when I enter my bot informations( name , shortname

Where do I insert the code for the telegram login widget?

I want to use the telegram login widget shown in this page and the instructions ask to embed this code onto my website:

How to send message followed by start to a bot by link using telethon?

I want to interact with a bot which takes chat id and message id and replies based on the message of that chat id. Usually I interact with the bot in a group ch

Nodejs Telegram Bot: sendChatAction while waiting for network call

I am writing a Telegram bot using the Telegraf framework in Nodejs, and would like to display the 'bot is typing...' banner while the bot is performing a networ

How do i save the authentication with puppeteer?

I need to talk to a telegram bot, with my web app. So i decided to do a web scrapping, i do not know if its the best strategy. When i try to access the telegram

Telegram-bot replies to messages from specific user in group chat (aiogram)

I want my bot to reply to a certain person in chat every time he writes (in fact every 2 hrs, like regular cuddling) e.g. User1: Good morning everyone User2:

How do you remove reply keyboard without sending a message in Telegram?

In Telegram bot you can send a message with the reply keyboard using the sendMessage method. The keyboard is getting displayed instead of normal qwerty one. W