Category "telegram-bot"

find nearest location using node js and mysql telegram bot

I was trying to do a telegram bot that finds a nearby location using node js and mysql. but after finding users coordinate(latitude,Longitude) in mycase (mylat,

How to create unit test for a Python Telegram Bot

I've built this Telegram Bot in Python, with python-telegram-bot. It's not so complex, but I want to do some regression tests to check if everything works fine

aiogram Why code has expired for different users with the same api_i and api_hash?

I working on python telegram bot that allow login telegram client using registered user and then do some actions using user credentials ... ... But I got the fo

telegram web app for bots object is not contain user data

I have created a web app for my bot and also integrated the telegram "web app Script" The code of my web app is show

H14 in heroku web

Hello I was just trying to use web and worker based bot I mean something like with # telegram bot from pyrogram import Client,filters Bot = Client(api_i

Is it possible to use telegram bot inline button to get user live location?

I want to ask the user of the bot to share their live location using a message with two inline buttons (

See what link was used when new user joins to telegram channel

I am trying to make a telegram bot for accounting invite links. It is supposed to count how many times a certain link was used. I tried to get an invite link fr

'TeleBot' object has no attribute 'message_handler'

When I run the code below the following error message is displayed: 'TeleBot' object has no attribute 'message_handler'. import telebot from telebot import type

How to fix SocketException while connecting to Telegram Bot API in Java App

I'm working on my Telegram bot. I know, in my countries Telegram is locked, so I decide to connect to Telegram Bot API through proxy. When I try to run this cod

Is there a way to get the number of people that joined through a specific invite link with Telegram API?

In the Telegram app, you can see what members joined from which specific invite link. I would like to access that information through Telegram API. However, I c sends an ERROR when I want to create an API id/hash in API development tools section

I'm trying to get my API id/hash to create some bots for telegram , but in the API developmen tools section , when I enter my bot informations( name , shortname

Where do I insert the code for the telegram login widget?

I want to use the telegram login widget shown in this page and the instructions ask to embed this code onto my website:

How to send message followed by start to a bot by link using telethon?

I want to interact with a bot which takes chat id and message id and replies based on the message of that chat id. Usually I interact with the bot in a group ch

Nodejs Telegram Bot: sendChatAction while waiting for network call

I am writing a Telegram bot using the Telegraf framework in Nodejs, and would like to display the 'bot is typing...' banner while the bot is performing a networ

How do i save the authentication with puppeteer?

I need to talk to a telegram bot, with my web app. So i decided to do a web scrapping, i do not know if its the best strategy. When i try to access the telegram

Telegram-bot replies to messages from specific user in group chat (aiogram)

I want my bot to reply to a certain person in chat every time he writes (in fact every 2 hrs, like regular cuddling) e.g. User1: Good morning everyone User2:

How do you remove reply keyboard without sending a message in Telegram?

In Telegram bot you can send a message with the reply keyboard using the sendMessage method. The keyboard is getting displayed instead of normal qwerty one. W

How to use FLow XO and together in one bot

I have a question. Is it possible to use both flowXO and together and single-time in one bot? If so, how to implement it?

Java Telegram Bot to Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit?

I am trying to have a Telegram Bot respond to a user's input and convert C to F (and vice versa). At the simplest level this is a breakdown of what I would like

Weird thing with telegram bot api, can't change title of audio

Some weird thing with telegram api. I am trying to send audio from telegram bot and by the way to change performer and title, but I can't. First of all I thoght