Category "firebase-authentication"

After reinstalling the app, firebase auth skips login

In my app, I'm using phone auth and we are observing this on Android, after logged in, if I uninstall the app and reinstall it again, it's not asking me to logi

Firebase Authentication partially working (only email)

After months of developing a Web App under Firebase suddenly these days we have a problem with the Authentication, it returns this console.alert only with Faceb

Firebase Authentication link not working - missing trailing slash?

I want to use Firebase email link authentication in my iOS (Flutter) app with a custom domain: The app requests Firebase Auth backend to send an email to the u

Firebase authentication - refreshToken automatic refresh

I am developing a react-native application which will use firebase authentication, and I have some doubts about how refresh tokens should work. I am using the r

Android Device Verification not working in Flutter

I am trying to do get OTP without Verifying you are not a robot screen using firebase in a flutter. I added the SHA-256 key in firebase and enabled the Android

Firebase Android App - not updating realtime database

I experience some errors while trying to push data into my firebase realtime database. I checked a couple of tutorials and according to all of them i am doing n

Firebase Realtime Database Allow read/write if string matches an attribute

My firebase realtime database structure: stores -store1234 -data -specialKeyForStore1234 -store4567 -data -specialKeyForStore4567

Auto detect firebase Phone Auth sms code in Flutter

Please read properly and then comment, hope this help full for software community. I unable to auto detect firebase phone auth sms, when i test in android it's

Flutter: Firebase has not been correctly initialized

I'm working on iPhone 12 Pro Max Emulator, macOS Catalina. I'm getting this error when I try to run the app: [] Unhandled Excepti

Firebase javascript auth user displaying null even though user is signed in

I followed the Firebase docs for web development and I used the user.updateProfile method to add a display name to the user's profile. After signing in, I used

NativeFirebaseError: [storage/unauthorized] User is not authorized to perform the desired action

I'm having problems uploading an image to Firebase Storage. I'm using React Native's @react-native-firebase/storage and the installation and connectivity seem t

Firebase `onAuthStateChanged` always return null user

This is my index.html: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en-US"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <

After refresh, firebase Auth current user returns null

Here is my code on profile page, this works fine first time when i redirect from login method of AuthService const user = firebase.auth().currentUser; if (us

auth is not a function

I'm trying to do a simple login form, and Firebase auth give me this error TypeError: firebase__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_["default"].auth is not a function. (

Firebase Auth getCurrentUser() retrieves a deleted user

Hello and thanks for your time. I've been working on an android app using Firebase. I've set up Firebase Authentication and the user can register with email a

Firebase authentication provider silently changes from password to

I use firebase authentication for my web app with three providers: email-password, google, or facebook. I have enabled the option "One account per email address

Why I need to press Login button 2 times then it will fetch the user data from firestore?

I am new to react-native and firebase authentication also firestore database. Basically here I would like to implement 3 different types of user which is buyer,

This is a most likely a transient condition and may be corrected by retrying with a backoff

I'm using firebase in my project and i got some issues mentioned below - [cloud_firestore/unavailable] The service is currently unavailable. This is a most like

Firesbase auth fallback exception : Java lang exception

Firebase Auth causes error if I set code shrinker to R8. I am frustrated its been a week solving it, but i could not solve it. 'Unable to instantiate service co

Protected routes not accessible even after signing or logging in

I am making a site whereby after the user signs in, the user is meant to be redirected to the home page. The homepage and all the other pages of the site are on