Category "firebase-authentication"

My data is not getting uploaded in firebase it has internet access creating user with firebase auth that also not getting uploaded & nor child created

Below is the java file of this activity. I want my name and email to be stored in realtime database and sign in with firebase auth, but neither is working. I fo

Combining Provider with a steam provider not updating

I am working on a technique to determine if some has elevated rights to show an edit icon. I am using Firebase for auth and firestore for back end. My thoughts

Firebase, Changing User password via Email with unique password requirements

Currently, Firebase offers the option to send an email to a users email who wishes to change their password. Unfortunately, Firebase does not allow you to edit

Error: [core/no-app] No Firebase App '[DEFAULT]' has been created - call Firebase.initializeApp()

I am building a Flutter application and I have integrated Firebase, but I keep getting this error when I click on the login button. I have come across people wi

How to change User::Model In Laravel with User Auth in Firebase

Recently I have make Laravel auth with composer require laravel/uiand I can edit/create user with MySQL where as auth users for Firebase . I also can create/

How to change User::Model In Laravel with User Auth in Firebase

Recently I have make Laravel auth with composer require laravel/uiand I can edit/create user with MySQL where as auth users for Firebase . I also can create/

How to remove the access rights to a linked google account after the deletion of an account at firebase?

I just implemented the possibility to delete the personal account at Firebase of an Android application. I then discovered that the application is still listed

Uncaught ReferenceError: getAuth is not defined

Self taught coder here. Hopefully I'm explaining the issue adequately. I'm trying to create some user authentication using firebase. I keep getting an error say

how to get firebase use in nextJS getserversideprops

I want to get 'sample' document in Firestore using getServerSideProps if there is signed user. Code below doesn't work. It's result is 'can't read' What should

Firebase RecaptchaVerifier.clear() has no effect

I have react web app where I want to implement phone auth. I have initialized recaptchaVerifier based on docs and examples. However if I want to submit the for

firebase.auth().currentUser and onAuthStateChanged always null inspite of being signed in

The firebase.auth().currentUser is always null, as is the onAuthStateChanged listener in my node.js code. However, the user is signed in at my front end swift a

Force an existing user to sign-in with a specific account

Similar to Invoke "Verify it's you" authentication page from a Firebase application use case, but my case differs in that the user is not logged in, but I want

Error receiving broadcast Intent when using SmsRetriever

When authenticating using Firebase Auth, I want to auto input the code that is received via SMS. I am able to receive SMS and go through auth process manually,

"Automatic SMS Verification with the SMS Retriever API" vs "Authenticate with Firebase using a Phone Number"

On my andoird app to do Automatic SMS Verification I can use this: "Automatic SMS Verification with the SMS Retriever API"

"Automatic SMS Verification with the SMS Retriever API" vs "Authenticate with Firebase using a Phone Number"

On my andoird app to do Automatic SMS Verification I can use this: "Automatic SMS Verification with the SMS Retriever API"

How to login using googe sign on react-native expo

I have a project that requires google sign in and I have installed and followed the instruction on the firebase but I keep getting this error (0, _auth.signInW

Firebase Storage REST API

I need very simple static image server for my flutter app. I am thinking about Cloud Storage, because I don't want to worry about own server administrating. I a

How to get document by current signed in user in Google Firestore

I am trying to get a specific document that is created when a user signs up. I made it so that when the use signs up, their firebase user ID is the name of the

Check if email is verified in ionic and firebase [closed]

After a user login , I want to check if the email used by the user is verified. I used to do it like this. import * as firebase from 'firebase

How To Check Whether User is Disabled or Not in Firebase Auth

I have a Login System implemented using Firebase Auth, But Whenever I Disable any user he/she can still be logged. But When he/she log out and login him/her by