Category "firebase-realtime-database"

How to create array of objects in firebase

I am working on a project developing a car rental app. The app can be accessed by admin and user both with different roles. So at the moment i'm saving the car

Cannot resolve symbol 'FirebaseInstanceId' Android

I started to encounter this error when I upgraded the version of the project to androidx. I also upgraded the firebase sdks. I started getting error "Cannot res

Does the onValue listener for Realtime Database return items in the same order that they are added to the database?

I don't see this specified in the docs anywhere. Does this listener return the node's data in the order that it is added to the node? For example, if I add mess

Execution fail task ':capacitor-cordova-android-plugins:processDebugGoogleServices'. No matching client found for package ''

Error while building the app in studio.enter image description here

Can I reset Real time database storage in Firebase?

I am using Firebase spark FREE plan and want to know what if I want to reset my data again to 0 Byte and clear all storage from Real Time database? for example

Firebase chat adds message in other conversation when online

We have implemented a chat application both in iOS and Android which is 1:1 chat, and the structure is also well designed. Recently we figured out a bug which s

Fetch some (and not all) properties from a list in Firebase Realtime Database

Suppose there is a list in my Realtime Database such that it has a user list at location userList as: user1: { age: 20, name: john } user2 : { age: 40, name: s

view config getter callback for component 'div' must be a function (received 'undefined'). Make sure to start component names with a capital letter

Error is: Invariant Violation: view config getter callback for component 'div' must be a function (received 'undefined'). Make sure to start component names wit

Error in reading the Firebase: from firebase value to child

I have created an event handler for the onClick button. When I click on the button, I want to transfer a pre-recorded number in the database to the price sectio

Pushing a task with firebase-queue not working

I am trying to use the queuing module base on top of Firebase. I use the following code to push tasks import admin from "firebase-admin"; admin.initializeApp(

Firebase Android App - not updating realtime database

I experience some errors while trying to push data into my firebase realtime database. I checked a couple of tutorials and according to all of them i am doing n

Firebase Realtime Database Allow read/write if string matches an attribute

My firebase realtime database structure: stores -store1234 -data -specialKeyForStore1234 -store4567 -data -specialKeyForStore4567

Firebase Import Error : initializeApp was not found in firebase/app

I am building my first firebase app using JS and Webpack. I'm following the modular approach. I have followed the documentation and forums for this, However I c

flutter - errors event.snapshot.value since updating to firebase 9.0.X

I'm getting errors on event.snapshot.value since updating to firebase 9.0.5. I have many functions like this which worked fine in firebase 8.X. Stream<List

Firebase Realtime Database prevent delete - based on condition

I would like to prevent deletion of data in Firebase Realtime Database based on a condition. A user that is not author should be able to update the "note", but

How to use delete request with axios in react project and Firebase?

I need to delete the element but don't know how to get that specific element! This is the structure of data on Firebase And this is the code: import React, {us

'TypeError: is not a function' with realtime database of firebase

I wrote this code to receive all comments from the database and then print them one by one in the console. The code is: import { getDatabase, ref, child,

this.setState is not working when using firebase database

I am using the state to get value from the firebase database but I think there is some problem while doing it. const dbRef=firebase.database().ref().child('pro

Firebase Realtime Database: Save costs by choosing short path names?

Firebase RTDB costs are, in contrast to Firestore, calculated by download size (and not by operation count). When you get data, like in this pseudo code databas

flutter parsing JSON from firebase

I just started learning about flutter and try to use ScopedModel and I get stuck at parsing JSON, everything works until I try to get List of detail simulation