Category "firebase"

missing data in Firebase / Google analytics

We accidentally unlinked our Google analytics account from Firebase and linked it to another project in another organisation. Status quo is that in current proj

firebase signOut() method doesn't sign out

I use firebase v9 and created a react hook for convenient verification of user authorization. After authorization, I can't log out on the page as if the signOut

How to solve Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void' on a null object reference?

I have two activities (mainactivity and main2activity). I got the Google login code from GitHub Firebase login demo. When in SignIn with Google, it redirects to

Firebase RTDB trigger not fired from Flutter Firebase SDK triggering event

I am developing an application in Flutter and during development, I encountered this anomaly. On Firebase Realtime Database I have a simple trigger for testing

Expo file system Firebase Storage can't retrieve file (403 error)

I am trying to retrieve a file from Firebase Storage with the URL from getDownloadURL, using the Expo FileSystem. However, I keep getting a 403 response. My rul

FirebaseOptions cannot be null when creating the default app

I am trying to try a sample project in Flutter integration email and google based login, and planning to use firebase initialisation for doing it while I have f

Firebase error - call Firebase App.initializeApp() -

I have problem with firebase in react. It shows "Uncaught FirebaseError: Firebase: No Firebase App '[DEFAULT]' has been created - call Firebase App.initializeAp

Firebase Storage very slow to respond

The time to download an image from firebase storage: 2.59s Is there any way to speed this up to a decent time, or is firebase storage unusable for small files

It is possible to have a contains search query in firebase? [duplicate]

I tried this: Query firebaseSearchQuery = myRef.orderByChild("from").startAt(searchText).endAt(searchText+"\uf8ff"); but i want something

Get empty result api firebase [FCM]

I've saved some of my mobile registration_codes that are connected with my development environment of Firebase. Once I send a manual notification by the api I r

Implement Firebase App Check for Flutter app

I want to add Firebase App Check service to my Flutter app. I found this tutorial:, I have been able to comple

Hosting Angular 6 application to firebase

I am trying to hosting Angular 6 application in firebase. Aftter making a project in firebase , i followed the every step in firebase hosting documentation. h

FCM push notifications only works on Android, but only the message is sent to both Android and IOS

In our backend we are raising events for creating push notifications and message only through FCM (separated). One "message"(data only) for customer and the cl

Suddenly can't fetch any data inside firebase firestore, after trying to use tutorial that contain firestore emulatore

i tried following some of youtube tutorial video and saw a firestore emulators connect. but after i connect the app. the screen that works properly suddenly don

Firebase App named '[DEFAULT]' already exists REACT

I'm a beginner in React and at the moment I try to connect my first app to a Firebase database. I have two files for that. The first, is a config.js file wher

Android Firebase Remote Config initial fetch does not return value

I'm using Firebase Remote Config to fetch data when app first open for the first time. But problem is I cannot fetch data on first start of the app. onComplete(

How to insert firebase storage images inside firestore field

I have a problem in my flutter app , and the problem is in the storage of firebase . I have a collection with field called avatar(String). It's value comes from

Firebase V9 does not give error in catch when offline

I want to set state in catch even if user offline but firebase V9 setDoc does not give anything in catch when user offline For Example: in Authentication, if t

firebase auth is not a function

I got this TypeError: WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__firebase.c.auth is not a function The line i got an error is the first line. firebase.auth().createUserWithEm

Upload image to Firebase 9 storage with React?

I'm trying to make a simple input button that users can click to upload image (.png) files to Firebase-Storage (v.9) with React (for non-authenticated users). H