Category "firebase"

Issues with Angular/Firebase data

I'm sort of new to Angular and I'm working on a small project for an internship. I created the front-end and sending data into the database, but now I'm having

is there a way to upload data from a FormField with a dropdown list to get null value after uploading to firebase

this is the formField that is uploading no value i tried using a controller but seems now event compatible.the rest of the textformfields are working but i dont

flutter - errors event.snapshot.value since updating to firebase 9.0.X

I'm getting errors on event.snapshot.value since updating to firebase 9.0.5. I have many functions like this which worked fine in firebase 8.X. Stream<List

FirebaseError: AppCheck: Fetch server returned an HTTP error status. HTTP status: 403. (appCheck/fetch-status-error)

I try to use Firebase Appcheck and Emulator together during development process. I thought that Appcheck can work when deployment completed but it doesn't work

Android Studio 4.2 doesn't show signing report in the Gradle bar

I'm starting a new project using Firebase and I have to get an SHA1 key from my project. Recently I've updated Android Studio to version 4.2 and the signing rep

Auto detect firebase Phone Auth sms code in Flutter

Please read properly and then comment, hope this help full for software community. I unable to auto detect firebase phone auth sms, when i test in android it's

Failed to auto initialize the Facebook SDKFailed to auto initialize the Facebook SDK

I'm new to mobile development. And while I was developing my app, I got the following error: Failed to auto initialize the Facebook SDK A valid Facebook app id

Firebase unable to process request due to missing initial state

I am trying to use phone auth from firebase and I get this error now. Unable to process request due to missing initial state. This may happen if browser session

Flutter: Firebase has not been correctly initialized

I'm working on iPhone 12 Pro Max Emulator, macOS Catalina. I'm getting this error when I try to run the app: [] Unhandled Excepti

Obtaining data from Firebase and creating an object in Flutter, Dart

I would like to create an Object using data from my Firebase database. I get the data correctly, but I can't create that Objet in the way im trying. I have no i

: assert(map['apiKey'] != null, "'apiKey' cannot be null."),

i'm trying to develop an app on Android studio, with firebase tools. Despite i have a file in the lib firebase_options (created with flutterfire configure), it

Firebase javascript auth user displaying null even though user is signed in

I followed the Firebase docs for web development and I used the user.updateProfile method to add a display name to the user's profile. After signing in, I used

Firebase denies access when using env file

I am trying to create a react-app that works with firebase. So, normally the credentials look like this: const firebaseConfig = { apiKey: ..., authDomai

Problem loading the website using Firebase when using Burp Proxy

Let's say I use the website: Website works fine when I am using it normally. When I start using BURP SUITE PROXY to intercept requests, I start to

Firebase `onAuthStateChanged` always return null user

This is my index.html: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en-US"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> < (

I'm getting this error in Crashlytics (Firebase). The app is built in Flutter and I'm not sure about this error that I don't get locally: Fatal Exception: java.

Query only specific field with firestore

I use this code to get a collection snapshot from Firestore. firestore().collection('project').where('userID', '==', authStore.uid).onSnapshot(onResult, onError

Cannot find module 'axios'

I am coding a small program for Firebase Functions, using node.js. I always install my node modules using npm and i also installed axios using npm only. Howe

Missing firebase_options.dart file in course "Get to know Firebase for Flutter"

I am using the flutter course "Get to know Firebase for Flutter" from I am in step_02 and I

Firebase ID token has invalid signature even on jwt

Firebase ID token has invalid signature Hi all, I'm somehow new to NodeJS and I've only used Google Firebase a few times. Now, I'm trying to verify an idToken g