Category "firebase"

Query only specific field with firestore

I use this code to get a collection snapshot from Firestore. firestore().collection('project').where('userID', '==', authStore.uid).onSnapshot(onResult, onError

Cannot find module 'axios'

I am coding a small program for Firebase Functions, using node.js. I always install my node modules using npm and i also installed axios using npm only. Howe

Missing firebase_options.dart file in course "Get to know Firebase for Flutter"

I am using the flutter course "Get to know Firebase for Flutter" from I am in step_02 and I

Firebase ID token has invalid signature even on jwt

Firebase ID token has invalid signature Hi all, I'm somehow new to NodeJS and I've only used Google Firebase a few times. Now, I'm trying to verify an idToken g

How do I read a User's Firestore Map to a Swift Dictionary?

I have my user struct with has a dictionary of all their social medias. struct User: Identifiable { var id: String { uid } let uid, email, name, bio, profileI

alternative to sending email using gmail with firebase function

I recently got that email from Google which says that as the beginning of 30.05.2022, we will not be able to use "less secure apps" options anymore. I'm using

Firebase : Uncaught Error: Component analytics has not been registered yet

I'm working on getting firebase working for a webapp project for class. It has not been easy. I keep getting errors, and every change I make creates a different

Error with firebase while building on Xcode for iOS

im having some troubles building an app in xcode but the build in Unity to android works just fine. I have searched all over and none of the other solutions hel

Trying to use GoogleSignIn in React Native then Possible Unhandled Promise Rejection (id: Error: DEVELOPER_ERROR

I've enabled the Google SignIn on Firebase using this link My App compiles fine but when I press the Login button and sel

Return fingerprint and save in firebase

I am trying to write an app using flutter or android studio. The user will login to the app using his fingerprint. I want to read the fingerprint and save it in

Android in Xamarin.Forms can't compile after changing target framework

I have a Xamarin.Forms application. I changed the Target Framework version of the Android project from 10.0 (Q) to 12.0 (S). After that, I get error "java.exe"

Initializing FIrebase on Flutter throws error

So I have been trying to initialize my firebase with my flutter app but it keeps throwing an error every time, the code has no problem since flutter builds the

messaging.onBackgroundMessage is not getting called in web

I have implemented FCM in push i want to redirect to my screen on click of push notification when app is in background. It is redirecting to my webpage but mess

Missing required module 'Firebase' for Unit test

i added Unit test target to existing project, when i @testable import Product_Module_Name in test class i am getting Missing required module 'Firebase' i am u

Is it safe to use uid to store data in firebase database? [duplicate]

I plan on creating an application on flutter that uses firebase auth and cloud firestore. My plan is to create a user and the use the user's u

After refresh, firebase Auth current user returns null

Here is my code on profile page, this works fine first time when i redirect from login method of AuthService const user = firebase.auth().currentUser; if (us

Firebase AppCheck when working with Emulator on localhost

How are developers working with Firebase App Check when developing locally using the emulator on localhost? Are you disabling App Check on localhost entirely? O

auth is not a function

I'm trying to do a simple login form, and Firebase auth give me this error TypeError: firebase__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_["default"].auth is not a function. (

Firebase emulator - provide custom name/path to runtimeconfig.json

Is there a way to provide .runtimeconfig.json location though a command line? Can't find any info on that. Something like below? firebase emulators:start --runt

App Check from Firebase in Flutter doesn't work

I'm trying to use App Check from Firebase with Flutter (on Android only for now), but the documentation is just terrible and I don't understand the errors I get