Category "tex"

How to write combinations of English words and Greek letters in matplotlib?

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np x = np.array([tau for tau in range(365)]) y = np.random.normal(0,1, 365) plt.plot(x,y) plt.xlabel(r"$\tau$")

VSCode change aux directory of latex workshop

My current config is the following: "": [{ "name": "texify", "command": "texify", "args": [ "--synctex", "-

Is it possible to render TeX math comments in VS Code?

There is such an extension in VS: TeX Comments and the example: I wonder is it possible to do this in VS Code or is there already an extension I have not found

Error : File `l3backend-pdfmode.def' not found. }

I am trying to compile a .tex document into a pdf in TexStudio (and I have also tried in MikTex) and the following error is outputted File l3backend-pdfmode.def

Error : File `l3backend-pdfmode.def' not found. }

I am trying to compile a .tex document into a pdf in TexStudio (and I have also tried in MikTex) and the following error is outputted File l3backend-pdfmode.def

Extracting from .bib file with Raku (previously aka Perl 6)

I have this .bib file for reference management while writing my thesis in LaTeX: @article{garg2017patch, title={Patch testing in patients with suspected cosm

Insert inline code block in Latex document [duplicate]

Hi I am trying to add an inline code block in a Latex document. I know how to add a separate code block using lstlisting but i want to instead