Anyone can help how can I select only digits from Text? Strings can be random like: ABCD123DEF -> Result must be 123 393SEA981F -> Result must be 393981
I tried to get the row number using ROW_NUMBER() but it shows the following error: can't format message 13:896 -- message file C:\WINDOWS\firebird.msg not
I have a column in a table that I want to use for an unique-index. My script should make the data unique by concat the id of a record, if the data of current re
I need to skip a While...Do loop iteration inside a stored procedure like this While (v_counter <= :v_total) do begin If (<condition>) then continue
I need to skip a While...Do loop iteration inside a stored procedure like this While (v_counter <= :v_total) do begin If (<condition>) then continue
Is there an easy way to create auto increment field using Firebird? I have installed the FlameRobin admin tool, but the process of creating an auto increment fi
How can I customize CAST (TimeStamp TO STRING) format in Firebird? cast (<DateField> as VarChar(25)) It does not work as I want. I do as I wish with t