Category "flask"

Heroku add folder to PYTHONPATH

Hello) My project has the following structure: app/ - api/ - ..some_folders/ - web/ ... some files ... - Procfile requirem

flask-restplus /flask-restx automatically add 401 response to Swagger docs if authentication is on

As the title mentions, I would like to have a @api.response(401, 'Unauthenticated') response added to the documentation of all APIs which require authentication

Error with default value in enum field when define model class

Hello I have the following model: class Status(Enum): scheduled: 'scheduled' recording: 'recording' complete: 'complete' failed: 'failed' @dat

Twilio Flask app video call is not connecting over a public IP address

I created an application in Flask Python with a frontend in HTML and Twilio SDK JavaScript version 2.3.0. A video call is working on local host, but if I try th

How to tell jinja about files in static sub-directories?

I have created a web app in which user uploads a image on my web app and that image is saved in myproject/static/uploads directory but I am unable to display th

raise exc.NoSuchModuleError( sqlalchemy.exc.NoSuchModuleError: Can't load plugin: sqlalchemy.dialects:postgresql

I created a sample flask application, I want to connect PostgreSQL database to my project. I installed flask_sqlalchemy. here is my Code from flask import Flask

Serving local webcam video stream to web with "multipart mixed replace" HTTP response

This article shows how to stream a local webcam to the browser with Python + Flask + OpenCV + multipart HTTP response. After launching the following self-contai

Flask API filtering posts by author

I've create CRUD API in Flask, but I have a problem with the filtering function returning books by a specific author. from flask import Flask, request, jsonify,

Heroku H10 error when deploying Flask application with Psycopg2

Runs locally, but not when deployed to Heroku (see error message). I tried adding a runtime.txt file with the Python version, and tried most of suggestions to s

Locking thread and creating new cursors not resolving sqlite3 "recursive use of cursors not allowed"

I am trying to make a simple flask web server that presents two graphs of data using matplotlib from a DHT22 sensor stored in a sqlite3 database. The code is ba

pause and resume http file upload/download

I have 2 servers, one local server(office) another remote server in cloud (storage), users in the office can't access the remote server. I want to create some u

Angular - auth0 AuthHttpInterceptor not attaching token to requests

To cut a long story short, I am having problems with auth0's AuthHttpInterceptor class not actually attaching tokens to any outgoing requests. I have been follo

Flask restful api with mysql backend crashes when more than 2 apis are called from angular app

We are working on a test project and really do not know Flask and Flask restful much. Our python is not good as well, the problem is, we have developed an API s

How to incorporate a flask_wtf form into a Bootstrap form?

I am trying to create a simple sign-in/out website, but I don't know how to use Bootstrap with Flask effectively. I have only just started using Bootstrap, so I

How to point Flask static to Digitalocean spaces

I am using url_for in my html pages to access and display static images. I wish to connect flask static to digitalocean spaces instead of AWS S3 as explained in

How can I filter MongoDB Database from Pymongo in Flask App?

I am trying to query my database passing as a parameter a string. Some days ago it worked, but suddenly it stopped working. Is there something wrong I am missin

How can I filter MongoDB Database from Pymongo in Flask App?

I am trying to query my database passing as a parameter a string. Some days ago it worked, but suddenly it stopped working. Is there something wrong I am missin

CORS problem on production (FLASK on docker, VUE static, NGINX)

All is working Ok on develop (tipical) I have flask app (API) docker, postgres docker and VUE app (FRONT). Deployed on production (AWS instance with nginx). Fla

Storing Objects assigned to user while using Flask [duplicate]

I come here to ask you a question about the way session can handle Objects in Flask. I have a Flask application and I want all my users to hav

How to send table dropdown select fields to flask

I have a table composed of three columns, a text and two other select fields. When the user chooses an option from the dropdown select, I would like to send the