Category "join"

Is there a way to create an inline anonymous table in Oracle like in PostgreSQL?

I have a postgres query that creates an anonymous table from string values and then joins on them like this: select distinct anon_table.string1,

is there a way to extract duplicated row value in sql as the key/grouping value?

I have following two tables users id | name 1 | john 2 | ada events id | content | userId 1 | 'applied' | 1 2 | 'interviewed| 1 What would be the

SQL - How to join tables with dates to get overall view of ALL dates

Using a bespoke ERP system with T & A built in. Table 1 has dates with holidays types i.e. bank holidays, user booked holidays - and a user id. Table 2 has

complex UPDATE query in psycopg2

I've stumbled upon an interesting problem while trying to compose an SQL query using psycopg2.sql I have a function that takes in some kind of data in a dict fo

What is the optimized/best way to retrieve data from two tables?

I have two tables: post table: |post_id | post_title | +--------+------------+ | 1 | Post 1 | | 2 | Post 2 | | 3 | Post 3 | post_cre

Can I nest a select statement within an IF function in SQL?

Using Teradata.. I want to write a query that joins table 1 and table 2 on item code to the location in table 2. There are multiple locations per item code and

Querying pivot table to return a list of referred rows

I have these 6 tables and query which returns everything I want, but I want to add a new pivot table, so I can get a list of rows linked to it. Query: SELECT DI

Why does my table join return values I didn't specify?

I am attempting to join two tables to create a visualization that shows the relationship between weight, BMI, and total steps using the following code: SELECT

What is wrong with this inner join sql query

I want to export some data from the DB. Basically what I want to say is this: 1- Select mbr_name from the members table 2- Choose the ones that exist at the cou

Generate random pairs SQL

Suppose we have these two tables. TABLE1: |column_1 | ... | -------------------- | 'a' | ... | | 'b' | ... | | 'c' | ... | |

I connot able to filter the current user record using c# and MS Access DB

I connot able to filter the current user record. I want to display the data of current user only. But I did not understand how to handl query. here is the ss of

Impala compare consecutive rows and insert identical row if there are no values

I have a table that gives me data every month and I need that range of time. I noticed that sometimes I don't have data for 3/4 month but I need to duplicate th

Impala compare consecutive rows and insert identical row if there are no values

I have a table that gives me data every month and I need that range of time. I noticed that sometimes I don't have data for 3/4 month but I need to duplicate th

Join tables on dates, with dirty date field

In AWS Athena, I am trying to join two tables in the db using the date, but one of the tables (table2) is not clean, and contains values that are not dates, as

Join Kinesis Streams

I have two Kinesis streams and I would like to create a third stream that is the intersection of these two streams. My goal is to have a stream processor respon

return the row where before and after value is lower

I have a table that looks like this: name val 1 1 2 2 3 1 4 2 5 2 6 10 For each row,

pandas non equi join in range

I need to do 'pandas non equi join', when first table joined with second table in range. first_table EMPLOYEE_ID SALARY 100 3000.00 101 17000.00 102

How to join two tables using a comma-separated-list in the join field

I have two tables, categories and movies. In movies table I have a column categories. That column consists of the categories that movie fits in. The categories

PostgreSQL Nested Loop Join Performance

I have two tables exchange_rate (100 Thousand Rows) and paid_date_t (9 million rows) with below structure. "exchange_rate"

MYSQL not getting the sum zero values (having no entries of that id) against distinct id of another table

SELECT d.millid, d.bookno, d.partyname, d.count, d.counttype, d.orderqty, d.dispqty, d.pending from ( SELECT b.millid, b.count, b.counttype, b.bookno,