Category "flask-sqlalchemy"

Error with default value in enum field when define model class

Hello I have the following model: class Status(Enum): scheduled: 'scheduled' recording: 'recording' complete: 'complete' failed: 'failed' @dat

raise exc.NoSuchModuleError( sqlalchemy.exc.NoSuchModuleError: Can't load plugin: sqlalchemy.dialects:postgresql

I created a sample flask application, I want to connect PostgreSQL database to my project. I installed flask_sqlalchemy. here is my Code from flask import Flask

How to incorporate a flask_wtf form into a Bootstrap form?

I am trying to create a simple sign-in/out website, but I don't know how to use Bootstrap with Flask effectively. I have only just started using Bootstrap, so I

sqlalchemy.exc.NoSuchModuleError: Can't load plugin: sqlalchemy.dialects:postgres

I'm trying to connect to a Postgres database with SQLAlchemy. I've installed psycopg2. However, I get the error sqlalchemy.exc.NoSuchModuleError: Can't load plu

AttributeError: Could not locate column in row for column '_sa_instance_state' Flask-sqlAlchemy

im developing a new project, im building a small CRM web app using Flask. Im very new using this technology. Im getting this error: AttributeError: Could not lo

How to delete or modify a database table using Flask-SQLAlchemy?

Is there a way to delete or modify a table using flask-sqlalchemy? I am working on a Flask-based web app. I switched to flask-sqlalchemy as my project is on Her

How can I store a userid and password in SQLite database from my python application?

I'm not a pro in python, I just have a username and password stored statically in my python config file, the app use this credentials to FTP some files. I canno

AttributeError: module 'sqlalchemy' has no attribute 'NullType'

I am trying to configure flask SQLAlchemy with MySQLWorkBench, The following command works good: flask db migrate -m'Config' But when I try to execute flask db

flask-sqlalchemy delete query failing with "Could not evaluate current criteria in Python"

I have a query using flask-sqlalchemy in which I want to delete all the stocks from the database where there ticker matches one in a list. This is the current q

Flask_SQLAlchemy is claiming my value is not boolean?

I ran into the following error: File "/home/sandbox/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/", line 1973, in _strict_as_bool raise Ty

How to create generated column in Flask-SQLAlchemy?

This SQL is OK CREATE TABLE `calendar` ( `dt` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `d` date as (dt), `t` time as (dt) ); How to create this tab

APScheduler RuntimeError: No application found

I have a problem. I have IP addresses and with APScheduler I try to ping them every 10 seconds and update my database. For APScheduler I understand that I need

Best way to check if database already exists with flask-sqlalchemy, otherwise create

I have a database app, and want to create the tables and database on the fly when starting the app for the first time. If the app is restarted, it should only c

sqlalchemy.exc.ArgumentError: Could not parse rfc1738 URL from string

I'm learning flask web microframework and after initialization of my database I run flask db init I run flask db migrate, to migrate my models classes to the da

I want the dropdown choice to be the one registered in my database with Flask

I have some code, but it gives me an error. It's done with Flask, and here is the error: File class PostForm(FlaskF

CommandError: Can't locate revision identified by '...' when migrating using Flask-Migrate

I started using Flask-Migrate today and installed it on a test project. However i am getting following error: alembic.util.exc.CommandError: Can't locate r

flask-sqlalchemy or sqlalchemy

I am new in both flask and sqlalchemy, I just start working on a flask app, and I am using sqlalchemy for now. I was wondering if there is any significant benef

How to use factory boy to test SQLalchemy association-object models?

I'm using the SQLalchemy association-object pattern ( for three model clas

SQLAlchemy ORM conversion to pandas DataFrame

Is there a solution converting a SQLAlchemy <Query object> to a pandas DataFrame? Pandas has the capability to use pandas.read_sql but this requires use o

SQLAlchemy ORM conversion to pandas DataFrame

Is there a solution converting a SQLAlchemy <Query object> to a pandas DataFrame? Pandas has the capability to use pandas.read_sql but this requires use o