Category "floating"

Android Surfaces Look alike Layout in pre-Lollipop

I am trying to design a layout in Android but I don't even know how to call it. It is somewhat similar to Android Surfaces I would say, but actually the old Goo

How to change Floating Action button shadow colour

I want to change Floating Action button shadow colour from black/grey to colorprimary/custom color of shadow ** shadow example like below image with **center bl

How to change Floating Action button shadow colour

I want to change Floating Action button shadow colour from black/grey to colorprimary/custom color of shadow ** shadow example like below image with **center bl

How to change Floating Action button shadow colour

I want to change Floating Action button shadow colour from black/grey to colorprimary/custom color of shadow ** shadow example like below image with **center bl

How to change Floating Action button shadow colour

I want to change Floating Action button shadow colour from black/grey to colorprimary/custom color of shadow ** shadow example like below image with **center bl