Category "flutter-web"

blank page when I started web flutter debugging

looks like this : I have a problem when flutter web debugging. My launching project doesn't stop and displays a blank page.blank page like this : i try too we

flutter web on GitHub Pages not showing content

I am trying to release my existing flutter project on the web (it already is working on iOS and android). According to this great article: How to embed your Flu

How to navigate properly in Flutter Web with Back/Next browser buttons?

I'm currently working with Flutter Web using flutter_modular for the routing which works properly when you navigate straight to a page throught the browser, but

How to receive FCM push notification data in flutter web and redirect user to received link in notification?

I am trying to redirect user to specific page in flutter web on click of notification, till now I am receiving notification, the last open page is displayed in

Flutter web done button has container at top of keyboard

I had an app that use flutter for web. every i focus on textfield and pressed the button 'done' at top keyboard of phone it will be close the keyboard but when

How do I read the text displayed on browser using a Flutter chrome extension?

So basically what I want to do is use a Flutter Chrome extension to be able to read the content being displayed by a webpage. I understand that the underlying t

How to pass from Flutter Web to html file (HTMLElement, iframe) arguments for the JS script?

I want to render a pay widget in the Flutter web app and I need a unique token there, so I calling Iframe from Dart to render it. However I didn't find how to s

html editor enhanced alert dialog not working when the dialog placed on editor

Dependency : html_editor_enhanced: ^2.4.0+1 HtmlEditor( controller: controller, htmlEditorOptions: HtmlEditorOptions(

How to send direct email by Flutter web

I Am Building a flutter web i have to send form Data by email to my Gmail email address How Can i. Please Help Me. I had User "mailer 3.0.4" and flutter_email_s

Remove hash symbol ' # ' from Flutter web navigation

I want to create one simple web application with Flutter web but after I create some simple application with this document I faced with some issue on routing ad

How to send email from a Flutter Web application?

I'm trying to send email from a Flutter Web application using mailer package but I'm getting this error: Unsupported operation: Socket constructor It seem

How to remove hash (#) from URL in Flutter web

The default URL of a Flutter web project defines a URL containing a hashtag (#), as follows: http://localhost:41521/#/peaple/... I would like to remove this '#

Is there a way to LAUNCH Flutter App on CHROME

I tried launching my flutter app, currently launching on MOBILE for WEB... This is the error I received after restarting following a BLANK WHITE SCREEN; Restart

How to create a variable <username> and insert it in website url like<username> hosted on firebase?

I am developing a website using flutter and want to create a link for the website something like for a social profile of the user where userna

Method not found: 'guard'. return internals.guard(

i am new to flutter.when i run this code on flutter web this error occurs. .pub-cache/hosted/

"not found" when reload page on flutter web

On flutter web when I reload a page on Chrome I get the text "not found". How can I fix it? this is my code of the main.dart. I also noticed that to get directl

ChromeProxyService: Failed to evaluate expression 'handlePrimaryPointer':InternalError: No frame with index 45

Code that I have written: import 'package:cloud_firestore/cloud_firestore.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; class FirebaseServices { static Futu

This package does not have flutter_web_plugins in the `dependencies` section of `pubspec.yaml`

When publishing my package after adding web support i got this error Package validation found the following error: * line 9, column 1 of lib/hexcolor_web.dart:

How to catch OAuth2 token in Flutter Web?

This dependency supposedly supports web, but the implementation to listen for the callback and retrieve the token is missing. After digging around for the last

Flutter Web not displaying Material Design Icons

I started Flutter web and i wanted to add Material icons to my Flutter web app but its displaying boxes instead. Any help is appreciated. Thanks