Category "flutter-web"

Query Elastic App Search with flutter using public api key

I am developing a Flutter mobile and web app to query data from Elasticsearch. The Elastic App Search provides me a public search key which I would like my Flut

How to access window.navigator.serial in flutter web

On some browsers there exists the the property serial on the window.navigator object. I can see it on chrome but not on safari. How can I access that object via

Can the initial load time be canceled by multiplying React and Flutter?

Promise This is about for web only. Problem Initial loading of Flutter is slow, so I'm thinking of creating a top page with React. But is this the best choice?

Flutter Web : "Should never encounter KeyData when transitMode is rawKeyData."

When I run my project on web the Exception message and stack trace was "Should never encounter KeyData when transitMode is rawKeyData." at Object.throw_ [as

Flutter barcode scanner on mobile web app

I have a barcode scanner working fine on Android, but I am struggling to find plugins that support a web app. This is the closest one I've found that seems to b

How can a named route have URL parameters in flutter web?

I'm building a web-app which needs to have a route that gets a post ID and then it will fetch the post using the ID. How can I have URL arguments let's say /pos

Flutter web app is missing firebase.json and shows "Welcome Firebase Hosting Setup Complete" when deployed to firebase hosting

Background I am using Android Studio to create a Flutter web app. The app runs successfully on localhost in Google Chrome. When I deploy it to Firebase hosting,

Upload image picked from Flutter web to firebase storage and to Firestore

I was able to picked up image from flutter web with the code: Uint8List uploadedImage; _startFilePicker() async { InputElement uploadInput = FileUploadI

Making a browser with flutter

I made a browser with flutter WebView and enabled JavaScript and this is my code for the browser screen. The main goal for the app is to automate a website (Mov

Flutter Web - How to prevent default iOS bottom sheet dismiss (not bottom sheet from flutter)

I build flutter web with simple ListView. When clicking the link to open a website (For example: In Facebook chat). It will open inside the iOS bottom sheet web

Flutter iOS - How to hide the DONE button at the top of the ios keyboard?

The DONE button doesn't work on Flutter Web (Safari, Chrome). I just added a Textformfield Widget to 'Counter Example Project' and built it on Chrome. And I acc

Flutter Web getting 'XMLHttpRequest' error while making http call

I am trying to query Apache drill running in my local server but i'm getting the below error. Please help me, I tried adding '.htaccess' inside my /web folder o

LogicalKeyboardKey.meta in shortcut is triggered without pressing the other keys in the LogicalKeySet

I've been working with Shortcuts, Actions and key binds with Flutter web. And I've found a weird behaviour that I can't find a solution to. The thing is, I have

LogicalKeyboardKey.meta in shortcut is triggered without pressing the other keys in the LogicalKeySet

I've been working with Shortcuts, Actions and key binds with Flutter web. And I've found a weird behaviour that I can't find a solution to. The thing is, I have

Remove Header indicatore in flutter web

check this image, how to remove a blue indicator from a header from flutter web

How to enable Custom Icons on Flutter Web CanvasKit?

I have custom icons that work fine on IOS and Android. When I deploy on the Web, a crossed out box appears in each place in the App where my icon should appear.

flutter web zoom and pan on mouse hover

iam working on flutter web project and i need to make widget contain image that zoom and pan on mouse hover i tried using mouse region + InteractiveViewer but i

Load HTML file and display in Flutter Web

I have a single HTML file that contains some JS functions and CSS styling. Is it possible to load my html file into an embedded widget on Flutter Web? I've suc

CupertinoTabView casusing Assertion failed: _history.isNotEmpty is not true on Navigator.pop() (web only)

So I have an app that Pops the current screen once an event happens. The code works fine on iOS and Android. But on the web I get the following error: Assertion

How would I make Flutter connection with Oracle?

I want to make a simple web page using flutter as flutter for web, but I want to use Oracle as database in the backend. I know firebase will be more helpful, bu