Category "fonts"

How to add custom font on Rails app (version 7)

In development mode the custom fonts (Raleway) are present but it is not reflected in the staging environment. I deployed my app to Heroku. Added the following

How can I add a font to WhatsApp, Telegram, or Signal?

As the image below shows, WhatsApp (Web) now supports all of the active scripts in the Unicode BMP - incredible! I believe all of those fonts are in the app it

How to make fonts in VSCode like in Android Studio

I've been using vscode for a while, and i just recently tried android studio. Immediately I realized that I like the fonts in android studio more than the fonts

React Native - How to detect font size after a font scaling?

I need to detect what is the font size for text component after a font scaling. Let's say that I have a Text component with font size 18px <Text style={{fon

Font family issue in dompdf

I'm using DOMPDF v0.8.0 I'm having a problem with this library. I'm using this dompdf library with codeigniter2. I need to implement digital signature and co

Change the entire font name of all dialogs (part 2) [duplicate]

Based on this post, Change the entire font style of all dialogs How to change the font text of the entire installer in Graphical Installer? Wh

Why is Woff file downloading instead of just Woff2? Google Fonts/NextJS

NextJS has font-optimization for Google Fonts where it downloads the font-face definition from Google Fonts (with both a Chrome and an IE User Agent) and places

React - how to add fontsize into React.createElement?

Am a little of a newbie on the block and learning React - I have this segment of a function below: AlertNotifications.prototype.render = function () { retur

how to change wordpress' wp-login.php font to a custom font-family?

I have uploaded a custom font to my wordpress site and changed the font family everywhere. However, the wp-login.php page's font will not change. I have tried e

How can i apply woff fonts in Azure for .NEt core app?

I ahve a .Net Core MVC app that uses DinkToPdf, which wraps libwkhtmltox.dll, to create PDF files from HTML. One of the fonts i am using is a .woff font and thi

Allegro 5 font display problems

Using Allegro 5 (5.0.10-1), for some reason text is displayed in a really strange way - it's cut off at certain parts and letters are sometimes not on the same

Change the font name of all dialogs in Inno Setup

Based on the answer in this link, Inno Setup how to change the font color or style of label on TInputFileWizardPage This is the code to change the font style, P

Can't seem to load custom fonts with Expo's Font.loadAsync

I'm using React Native with Expo, and it is all going well except for this one issue with custom fonts. I have my font Lobster-Regular.ttfin ./assets/fonts, and

How I can load a font file with PIL.ImageFont.truetype without specifying the absolute path?

When I write the code in Windows, this code can load the font file just fine: ImageFont.truetype(filename='msyhbd.ttf', size=30); I guess the font location i

How to merge an emoji TTF file and a font TTF file?

I'd been trying to merge my favorite fonts, so that I could use them as my system default font. I succeeded merging two fonts using the zFont tool app, but when

Font messes up alignment of numbers

I'm using the Raleway font, but this font doesn't align numbers properly with letters. You can see this in this snippet: h1 { font-family: Ra

How to increase the font size of the request in postman tool?

I am using Postman tool for hitting the REST api with request and response. I want to increase the font size of the request. Under Settings there seem to be jus

IIS font not applying

We are experiencing an issue with IIS not picking up on a font added to the system. Running our webservice through Visual Studio works fine and the font is use

How to use self-hosted fonts face using NextJS?

Fonts using NextJS I have read different topics about how to use self-hosted fonts with NextJS. What I got [ wait ] compiling ... when I did: @font-face {

How to animate text with css font-weight property in jQuery ? normal to bold

I am trying to animation like opacity effect, which turns text bolder slowly. Tried usual animate() method but didn't work. Searched for it but coundn't find an