Category "footer"

Overflow in footer

I have a footer with the follow code: <div class="footer" style="width: 100%;"><h5> <a style="width: 30%; float: left; margin-left: 2.5%; backg

Is there a way to set the timestamp to UTC in discord.js

I wanted to create a footer for a discord embed, that has UTC time so I created the lines in the following, and then it errored a lot, so I turned it into an ob

Footer to stick to bottom of the page when Treeview control expands

Hello All! I have trouble making the footer stay at the bottom of the page. I have treeview control, when expanded overlaps the footer. Please help to make the

Showing [object Object] in embed footer

SEE THIS PIC: I have given the codes which I tried. If I don't add iconURL then it works fine (ONLY FYI). I am using discord.js v13. CODE 1 const embed =

How can I add a footer to Kotlin Dokka docs?

I am looking for a way to include text in the footer of all Dokka generated docs. I am not seeing this option being advertised by the Gradle or Maven plugins fo

Add footer to section's start/title page

I am creating a RMarkdown template of Beamer slides and use the metropolis theme as a basis. This already includes: Numbered TOC Hiding of footer on title page

Footer works on xlsx exporting but not in Mpdf with Phpspreadsheet

Hi everyone and thanks in advance for your help. I'm trying to set Footer to a pdf Phpsrpreadsheet generated file but, although it works when I export it in xls