I have a footer with the follow code: <div class="footer" style="width: 100%;"><h5> <a style="width: 30%; float: left; margin-left: 2.5%; backg
I wanted to create a footer for a discord embed, that has UTC time so I created the lines in the following, and then it errored a lot, so I turned it into an ob
Hello All! I have trouble making the footer stay at the bottom of the page. I have treeview control, when expanded overlaps the footer. Please help to make the
SEE THIS PIC: I have given the codes which I tried. If I don't add iconURL then it works fine (ONLY FYI). I am using discord.js v13. CODE 1 const embed =
I am looking for a way to include text in the footer of all Dokka generated docs. I am not seeing this option being advertised by the Gradle or Maven plugins fo
I am creating a RMarkdown template of Beamer slides and use the metropolis theme as a basis. This already includes: Numbered TOC Hiding of footer on title page
Hi everyone and thanks in advance for your help. I'm trying to set Footer to a pdf Phpsrpreadsheet generated file but, although it works when I export it in xls