Category "foreground-service"

How can I open app when screen is off from foreground service?

Android: 11 NETStandard.Library: 2.0.3 Xamarin.Forms: Permissions(i tried): "android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE" "android.permission.INSTANT_APP_F

Android Studio media player doesnt play when the app is closed

I made an Android app that should play a sound when event is received, it works when app is in focus, but when the app is closed/collapsed sound doesnt play, on

I'm trying to develop an android and I need some advices

I'm trying to develop an app that retrieves from firebase the state of electric doors in some different cities and if a door error exists in any city, the app w

I must foreground service when receives location information only once in android 10 and above?

hello friends, i want receive update user location and show in text view only once and remove update location when it received. i must use foreground service f

Flutter-Android how to use the camera while the app is in foreground/background

is it possible to use the camera while the app is in the foreground or background? I tried with these two packages flutter_foreground_task and flutter_backgroun