Good morning everyone, I'm printing a format with FPDF, but there is a cell that contains the field "The line of business or gyre" does not respect the same lin
I know this question has been asked many times but I read all related answer and my problem is not solved yet. I can add text and image on a new blank pdf file
I am trying to create FPDF's with different formats, which are inside a file of functions that are called through a form on another page inside the field select
I am tring to create a pdf with a colored background in python using FPDF. Is there a way to change the background color from white to some other color? Or do
I've tried with AliasNbPage() to get total pages of pdf. i do called '{nb}' to get total pages and it doesn't give output numbers instead of {nb}. there's anoth
on pyfpdf documentation it is said that it is possible to specify a format while adding a page (fpdf.add_page(orientation = '', format = '', same = False)) but
just need your help with my code. My question is how can I get the table header from the previous page and access it on the remaining pages? If I have a large d