Category "function-definition"

find elements of an array in another array, why do I have this error?

I was trying to visualize the algorithm of this exercise, but I'm having a lot of problems. the exercise asks to implement this function: extern const void *mem

Is it right to implement queue with single linked list?

My Code ↓ Some macros defined by #include <stdio.h> #include <malloc.h> #define ElementType int #define ERROR 0 // 队列ஷ

malloc(): memory corruption (fast)

I just started to learn data structure and getting an error when executing malloc(): memory corruption (fast) what can be the issue and how to resolve it? I h

Rewriting strlen() in C [closed]

if anyone has ever wanted to try and rewrite a string function in C, would this code work to replace the standard strlen() function? I have no

I am writing C function that convert lowercase char to upper case char with using ASCII but Output is not correct

Okay, So I start working on this, I have code below; +I also have strlen("any string here") func that return len of any str in decimal just keep in your mind. I