Category "function"

How can I explicitly assign a receiving variable to be an array

ok, so, I was doing this before and its working: let array = []; if (blablabla) array = ["foo","bar"]; else array = ["this", "that"]; FunctionImUsing(array) An

how can i change the value of variable just for a specific function?

x=2 def fun(): y=x+2 print(y) def main_fun(): x=10 fun() print(x) fun() main_fun() fun() print(x) I want the that the value of x when i call m

Swapping variables in python with a function

I need to write a program whose input is two integers and whose output is the two integers swapped. If input is: 3 8, output is 8 3. The program must define and

BASH : control exits CASE logic after entering any condition - Unable to understand the reason

I have an input file, which has below data : driver2:y driver5:y driver3:n driver1:y driver4:y The requirement is, for each driver if the value is "y" then the

Tidy up and combine document.ready and eventlistener

I have this code and it works great: $(document).ready(function () { if (window.location.href.indexOf("emotion--1") > -1) { $('#scro

How to remove extra space in template literals?

When I create template literals, I would use the trim() to remove extra space. But I noticed when I do this inside a JS function, it still creates extra tabs or

python: apply all functions inside a class to a user input

I have a class and a some functions that changes the user input and saves it in a file as follows. import os import pandas as pd from langdetect import detect

List changed in a function [duplicate]

I'm supposed to rotate the list iteratively which means put the first element to the last, and the rest move forward until it back to the orig

random number generating function as argument in python

I want to pass a function which generates random normal numbers to another function, do some calculations and pass again the random function x times. At the end

python passing function variables to another function

I am trying to pass a variable from one function into my main engine function in a separate file. I have looked up other answers and gone through some but I can

Do not retrieve query if empty output

In this sheet I'm working on, I'd like only the applicable data to show on the Teacher1Results tab, not the #N/A for empty output. Secondly, is it possible to m

How to join two columns with lists into column with nested lists?

I have a dataframe: v1 v2 [1,2] [4,5,6] [1,1,5] [4,5,6,7] I want to join them into column with nested lists: v1 v2 v3 [1,2]

How can I use scipy interp1d with N-D array for x without for loop

How can I use scipy.interpolate.interp1d when my x array is an N-D array, instead of a 1-D array, without using a loop? The function f from interp1d then needs

Why does react/javascript recreates a function instance every time we call it?

For example, onChange function: const MyComponent = () => { const onChange = (e) => { doSomething( } return <input onChange={

PostgreSQL- Function to update 3 shared columns from table B on table A

The main goal is to create a function that updates 3 columns on another table (the update of the 2 columns from the first table trigger the update on the second

INDIRECT and CELL to dynamically get value from other worksheet, not working

Trying to dynamically get cell value from worksheet in same workbook, depending on worksheet name in column E =IF(E108<>"",INDIRECT(CELL("contents", E108)

How to reshape my dataset in specific way?

I have a dataset: name val a a1 a a2 b b1 b b2 b b3 c c1 I want to make all possible permutations "names" which are not

C : why is that cast of void function to "pointer to function returning pointer to pointer to void" possible

#include <stdio.h> void hello() { printf("hello world\n"); } int main() { void *(*gibberish)() = (void *(*)())hello; (*gibberish)(); voi

error TS6231: Could not resolve the path '' with the extensions: '.ts', '.tsx', '.d.ts'

I'm working on firebase functions with typescript and this error appears in the console while running tsc . -watch: [12:19:41 PM] Starting compilation in watch

Does Python implement short-circuiting in built-in functions such as min()?

Does Python 3 implement short-circuiting in built-in functions whenever possible, just like it does for boolean statements? A specific example, take the below c