Category "gcloud"

How do I replicate a Google Colab environment onto a GCloud instance?

Ok - total noob on the topic here so this might not even be a good idea. I have a Google Colab notebook I use for generating images from a textual prompt, where

GCP create an instance template from an existing VM

I am attempting to create an instance template from an existing powered off VM. The VM is a pretty basic Centos Linux box. After a bit of googling the problem

Google CLI does not create Transfer Service and shows no detailed error

I'm very new to Google Cloud CLI, sorry for the dumb question but it's really annoying. I'm trying to execute this command: bq mk --transfer_config --target_dat

Is there any workaround for the permission denied (publickey) error in google cloud?

I am currently doing the Build and Secure Networks in Google Cloud: Challenge Lab from Google Cloud Skills Boost. I finished challenge number 1-5, but got stuck

Can't enable or delete my service accounts on Google Cloud

I recently deleted my Google Cloud project then I restored it, now after restoration, I can't delete or enable any of my old service accounts, though I can crea

How to install or uninstall gcloud?

I follow all the steps from here. At the final step where I run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install google-cloud-sdk, I get: Hit:1

How to prevent a Cronjob execution in Kubernetes if there is already a job running? concurrencyPolicy:Forbid stops the cron job execution altogether

I need a cron job to run every 5 minutes. If an earlier cron job is still running, another cron job should not start. I tried setting concurrency policy to Forb

Google Cloud Build via cloudbuild.yaml times out randomly

I have two Google App Engine instances, as well as the queue.yaml and cron.yaml files deployed automatically on push to master branch via Google Cloud Build tri

Cloud Run remove revision tag through CLI

Is there a way to remove a tag(through CLI) that I've set on a cloud run revision when doing a deployment? I can see how to do it through the UI, but I need to

gcloud auth activate-service-account logout / revoke / remove / unset

I,ve added my service-account successfuly using below command. gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=mycredentialsialreadyhad.json Now I can't remov

etcd.service failed because a timeout was exceeded

I am working through "learn kubernetes the hard way" and am at the "bootstrapping the etcd cluster" step:

GCloud authentication race conditions

I'm trying to avoid race conditions with gcloud / gsutil authentication on the same system but different CI/CD jobs on my Gitlab-Runner on a Mac Mini. I have tr

How to create Revision URL using gcloud run?

I recently noticed a beta feature in the Google Cloud Run web UI that allows you to create a Revision URL (tag). Super handy feature! My question: how can I cre

Error: Bad Gateway 502 when opening Google App Engine Python Domain

When I'm visiting my website (, I get this error on the main webpage: 502 Bad Gateway. nginx/1.14.0 (Ubuntu). It'

GKE migrate pv to a new cluster whithin the same GCloud project

I would like to move existing PVCs/PVs to a new GKE cluster in the same Google project. Can someone give me a hint how to do this? Thanks in advance!

unable to create a gcloud alert policy in command line with multiple conditions

I am trying to create a single alert policy for Cloud-Sql instance_state through gcloud with multiple conditions. If the instance is in "RUNNABLE" OR "FAILED" s

How to easily switch gcloud / kubectl credentials

At work we use Kubernetes hosted in GCP. I also have a side project hosted in my personal GCP account using Google App Engine (deploy using gcloud app deploy).

In GCP, how to list all the resources running under project?

I need to list out all the instance, container, function, notebooks, bucket, dataproc and composer running under project in all the region/locations. Is it poss

Grant your originating account the Service Account Token Creator role on the target service account

I used the below command to Authenticate in MAC OS terminal gcloud auth login It redirects to the google login page and show the authentication process success

Google Cloud get cluster credentials unauthorized

I've created a service account in the IAM page of google cloud console but unfortunately I'm unable to assign roles to this account - or I'm missing something.