Category "gcloud"

Google Cloud billing information verify?

I have a problem with google cloud's billing verify. I added a debit card, which has received an X amount of eurocents from Google. To verify my billing, I need

Removing disks with gcloud

Trying to remove disks with the gcloud cli, I want to do something like this: gcloud compute disks delete $(gcloud compute disks list --filter="labels=(some-lab

How to set path to kubectl when installed using gcloud components install?

Ok, I installed kubectl in the following way on my Mac: 1) installed gcloud using homebrew 2) installed kubectl using gcloud components install. I want to run

How can i edit and reduce gcloud SQL instance size (ssd storage)

As "Auto storage increase is enabled" was enabled on my instance along with "general logs ". due to which my instance crossed the storage of 5TB .but after clea

zipfile write dont find files in gcloud

Im trying zip a few files from Google Storage. The zipfile of Python doesnt find the files in gcloud, just in the project. How can I do for my code find the f

`docker-credential-gcloud` not in system PATH

After the latest updates to gcloud and docker I'm unable to access images on my google container repository. Locally when I run: gcloud auth configure-docker a

gsutil ServiceException: 401 Anonymous caller does not have storage.objects.list access to bucket even though I'm loggedin in gcloud

I am trying to create an internal app to upload files to google cloud. I don't want each individual user or this app to log in so I'm using a service account. I

How can I specify the region of a Google Cloud Function?

I'm currently using Google Cloud Function to build up my restful API. However, I've found that it's slow because the my Google-Cloud-Function server is on "us-c

Use google cloud aiplatform with golang

I have a vertex AI modele deployed on an endpoint and want to do some prediction from my app in golang. To do this I create code inspired by this exemple : http

gcloud: The user does not have access to service account "default"

I attempting to use an activated service account scoped to create and delete gcloud container clusters (k8s clusters), using the following commands: gcloud con

What is the difference between gcloud and gsutil?

I want to know difference between gcloud and gsuitl. Where do we use what? Why certain commands begin with gsutil while others with gcloud?

Completely Uninstall Google Cloud SDK Mac

I cannot seem to find an uninstall script for the gcloud sdk. I have already removed all the components (except for core which you cannot remove) via gcloud co

gcloud promote a version

So, I've deployed a custom runtime to gcloud (with --no-promote), using: gcloud preview app deploy --project $PROJECT_NAME --version ${VERSION} --no-promote --