I have created a stacked bar chart where the dimension for the color of the stacked bars is selected from a drop down. (Can be Country, Fruit Name, etc.) In the
I'm using the VEGA visualization in OpenSearch to create a tree representation like this example from the documentation. Data are stored inside an index and I'm
I'm trying to create an indented tree e.g. as in https://observablehq.com/@d3/indented-tree I think that what this example does which I can't replicate in vega
I want to have a display of Vega in Kibana, with the autosize active to be able to adjust it to any size in a dashboard, but I can't get it to show me the signa
i tried to make piechart for Downtimes by machine. My input is: "values": [{"Prostoj": "1-5min", "value": 10467, "textik":"02:54:27"}, {"Prostoj": "5-12m
I have a simple chart embedded in my website. Using the vega-lite spec v5. Here's an example: The circle with three dots triggers a drop-down menu with some ac
I want to have a tree chart of my data using vega in kibana 7.9.0, but I don't know how to write the query for that. the below code is an example of tree chart
In my concatenated chart, I’m using an interval selection as a filter (see the GIF, Python code, and VL spec below). Even though my selection appears to b
I am using Altair for Python and my current code uses a redyellowblue color scheme which uses the middle color (yellow) accordingly to my domainMid parameter. c
I am able to get vega json grammar on local installation of nodejs with vega-lite and vega-lite-api installed through npm as follows: vl = require('vega-lite')