Category "geolocation"

How to check if an area intercepts with any one of other given areas

Before asking this question I read these answers, but could not find the solution: Check if coordinate is within area Geolocation - Check if a location belongs

<Geolocation API> "granted" on Firefox BUT "denied" on Chrome

Greetings, I am facing the following issue; question will follow after. I have a production application using the Geolocation API from the navigator: Yes =>

Convert Canadian Postal Code to Longitude and Latitude

I have a list of 100 Canadian postal codes (e.g. M4B 1C7). Is there anyway to convert these postal codes into approximate longitude and latitude values? Current

Can't use Geolocator inside Workmanager's task in Flutter

I am trying to use either Geolocator.getCurrentLocation or Geolocator.checkPermission() inside Workmanager's task. Both of those calls raise the same exception:

Is it possible to share your location through flutter app

I built an app in flutter, dart to access the location of the user. I now want to share the current physical location of the user via Whatsapp, email etc but no

How to keep Flutter app running on lock/sleep screen (geolocator and timer builder)?

I have a screen on my app that tracks the location (geolocator) and time with (timer_builder) when the user hits start button. When the screen locks/sleeps, it

Is there any way to customize Google's Auto complete address result?

I want to customize auto suggestion result. I want to add more two addresses at the top of the result. Is it possible using google api? for more understanding I

React native app : Not authorized to use location services

I'm currently working on a project that uses the geolocation service of my phone. I currently have a prolem with this service, it says that geolocation is not

Access "Browser" location

We all have seen this prompt: As far as I know, this is not IP-based location. This is device-based location. I don't want IP-based location because 1) It's no

Headless Android Emulator: GPS Location does not work even with setting Geo Fix

Summary: Entering geo fixes into the Emulator Console of a headless emulator does not set moc location data. Is there a workaround? Steps to reproduce: 1) Sta

How to get current location using react-native-maps

Im trying to render a map at the current user geolocation on android device, using react-native maps. Here is what i've got so far: import React, { Component

PlatformException (PlatformException(ERROR_GEOCODING_COORDINATES, Service not Available, null))

How can I convert location latitude and longitude to a formatted address? I'm trying with geolocator plugin but the line- List placemark = await Geolocator().pl

Best way to find distance between two geopoints(lats, longs) in node.js [duplicate]

Can anyone pls tell me what is the best way to find distance between two geopoints (lats, longs) in node.js . If there is any good node js lib

How to Get the Number of Points in Each Polygon in Scala

I have two data frames. The first contains a list of latitude and longitude points along with an ID number associated with the person who was at those coordina

Why does geolocation not work on mobile browsers?

I am trying to get the location of the user with HTML5 geolocation. On Desktop it works great, but on all my mobile devices (Samsung note, Samsung galaxy S4 And

How do I allow the Geolocation API inside an iframe?

I have an iframe tag with the src being another webpage on a different server. I have the ability to modify the headers of both sites. Before I started implemen

CLLocationDegrees to String variable in Swift

Given that the code var latitude = userLocation.coordinate.latitude returns a CLLocationDegrees Object, how can I store the value in to a variable so that I

Is current location within radius of items stored in a table?

I have a table that stores longitude / latitude / radius ( miles ) per row. What I am trying to figure out is how to select ONLY the rows that my current point

Convert pixel location to latitude/longitude & vise versa

I need to convert latitude longitude values into pixel positions as well as do the opposite. I've found many solutions to go from lat/lng->pixel, but can't f

How to test ng-web-apis/geolocation Observable in angular 8?

I'm trying to test a simple angular 8 service that gets user location using GeoLocation Service from Web APIs for Angular public enableGPS() { if (!this.lo