I have a data set (named data) as follows site year month supplier FG total 540853 2015 1 790122 T25 3 540853 2015 3 7901
I have created plots of heart rate recovery against time, using ggplot2. I have noticed them seem to have an inflection point where the heart rate levels off. I
I have two sets of data, which I want to present using a heat map with the viridis color scale. For the first data set, my values range from 0 to 1.2 and I can
I have this dataframe: set.seed(50) data <- data.frame(age=c(rep("juv", 10), rep("ad", 10)), sex=c(rep("m", 10), rep("f", 10)),
I am trying t o plot a bar plot using ggplot2as follows: library(ggplot2) ggplot(mtcars, aes(factor(carb))) + geom_bar() + coord_flip() x axis is a con
I have a dataframe with daily datas for some factors ("fill" var) I would like to plot an area plot with the ggplot2::geom_area function but there could be miss
I am creating a multi panel figure that includes a ComplexHeatmap object so I am using multi_panel_figure() instead of ggarrange(). I have tried to include an
I found this easy way to create a correlation heatmap using ggplot2: data(attitude) library(ggplot2) library(reshape2) ggplot(melt(cor(attitude)), aes(Var1,
Consider the following example: p <- ggplot(data = data.frame(A=c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8),B=c(4,1,2,1,3,2,4,1),C=c("A","B","A","B","A","B","A","B"))) p <- p + g
I am fairly certain I have seen a solution for this somewhere, but as I have been unable to find it, here is my problem. I have some time series data identifi
This is using base, where I can control the x and y axis range, where exactly the line should be drawn. plot(mtcars$mpg, mtcars$hp, ylim = c(0, 400), xlim = c(
I want to plot the trend of the density (Density.est) of 3 species (Emar,Ecos and Sphyr) over time (2008,2009,2010) for two protection levels of a protected are
I have a set of data called 'theatres' I have prepared a box plot of all the data with this code: There is a column in the data called 'sector' and the data w
When I run my code all my graphs (both ggplot2 and plot) are displayed in an external "Quartz 2 [*]" graphical viewer. I would like them to be displayed in th
When I run my code all my graphs (both ggplot2 and plot) are displayed in an external "Quartz 2 [*]" graphical viewer. I would like them to be displayed in th
This is a slightly different but very similar question to How can i create a legend without a plot in r but differs in that I do not want to use the -pch- optio
I want to create space between the titles (the axis title and the plot title) and the edge of the plot. I tried vjust on axis.title and plot.title with no luck.
I can draw relative frequency histogram in R, using lattice package: a <- runif(100) library(lattice) histogram(a) I want to get the same graph in ggplot.
I have a survey file in which row are observation and column question. Here are some fake data they look like: People,Food,Music,People P1,Very Bad,Bad,Good P
I am trying to colour ribbons in ggplot2. When using geom_ribbon, I am able to specify ymin and ymax and a fill color. What it now does is coloring everything t