I am trying to plot the results of Flexible discriminant analysis(FDA) and Mixture discriminant analysis(MDA) using the mda and ggplot2 package. I did it for Li
I find out an interesting and strange difference between the same chart in ggplot and ggplotly income_gap_chart <- ggplot(income_gap, aes(x = Country, y = Pe
everyone I generated 2 ggplot figures and I would like now to add them into the same figure, to do that I simply add the +. So I have 2 plots : (1 ggtree and 1
I am trying to add a math symbol (sum) to some texts in x-axis. For example, if this is my plot. data(iris) p1 <- ggplot(iris, aes(x=Species, y=Sepal.Length)
I am trying to save a list of patchworked ggplots (ie ggplots that have been wrapped together into 1 plot using the package patchwork). My real data is creating
I want the vertical lines to not go beyond the curve line after they intersect Example data: x <- 1:50 dat <- data.frame(x = x, y = 1 - exp(-x/43)^4) ggp
I'm struggling to figure how to change my x-axis label in ggplot2 from regular identifications to not-so-regular plus/minus signs to relate the addition or abse
I am trying to bold my y-axis. The title for the axis is bold, but I can't seem to figure out how to bold the number themselves. Here is my code so far, combi
I am trying to write the code to plot validationplot {pls}'s equivalent using ggplot. I could make this using base R, but could'nt figure out how to plot thi
I am trying to write the code to plot validationplot {pls}'s equivalent using ggplot. I could make this using base R, but could'nt figure out how to plot thi
I have a shiny app that lets the user add categories to the facet_wrap. When I start with one category the plot fills the entire box but when I add a second cat
I want to be able to add a new line/trace to a plotly object. This plotly object will be created from a ggplot object using ggplotly. I tried 1. creating the pl
Hello and thank you for you time and consideration, I'd like to recreate this graph with ggplot. The top blue dots are the predicted values from my fitted model
I'm trying to plot a Sankey diagram of financial flows between a source country and counterpart country. ggplot(dat_ggforce, aes(x=x, id=id, split = y, value=yv
I want to add a unique horizontal line across each row of a set of facet grid boxplots. x<-c("species_X","species_X","species_X", "species_Y","species_Y",
I am trying to plot a multi-panel Lollipop chart using ggplot2 using the following code #Data df =structure(list(Indices = c("Time", "Z11", "Z51", "Z61", "Z161"
Im trying to figure out the best way to plot changes in water potential through summer comparing two factors, soil cover treatments and irrigation. I reached a
I have this dataframe. I create a plot representing on the y-axis "value" and on the x-axis each of the levels of "Column_S", which contains levels from S1 to S
I have been trying to amend what I thought was a straightforward legend on my GGPlot for a day now and not making much progress (I have searched extensively on
I just need to write some code that will look at the difference between the "est_age" and "known_age" columns in my data set. Then I need to know what percenta