I'm trying to get a customized git log listing using --pretty=format:"....", but can't seem to find out how get the ref names colored as in git log --oneline. T
Please consider the following git log alias I use: log --date-order --color-moved --graph --abbrev-commit --decorate --format=format:'%C(bold blue)%h%C(reset) -
In order to clean some git repo, I'd like to list all files which didn't receive any new commit for more than some period (let's tell one year for example). I
I would like to obtain the last 10 commits using git log specifying the path of my repository. I used the option -path but I have "is outside repository" error
I have a problem with Gitlens extension. Firstly, Gitlens or Git History extension is working fine on any other project except the this Laravel project. My prob
When I run git lg on my local development branch, the latest commit is shown as below: * 7d21213 - (1 hours ago) update business rules - developer1 (HEAD, orig
I've renamed a couple of files using git mv, used git stash, had a quick look at HEAD (without changing it) then did git stash pop to get the whole lot back aga