We sign each commit with GPG2 for security purposes. Usually this involves a full-terminal-window "popup" asking you to enter a password after running git commi
Is there a good way to explain how to resolve "! [rejected] master -> master (fetch first)'" in Git? When I use this command $ git push origin master it d
To fetch the latest commit from branchName, we run below code: treeMapData = git(branch: branchName, credentialsId: credential, url: "${gitLabServer}/${project
I am using macOS version 11.2.2 BigSur. I don't seem to be able to create a GitHub repository on the web (I am using safari). The button is greyed out or you sa
When trying to git status I get the following git status fatal: not a git repository: D:/path/path/path/.git/worktrees/horus_app_v100 the path worktrees/horus_a
A few months ago (still in the beginning of learning git) I created a worktree without even knowing what it was. A new branch was created and now I realized tha
I have run git status and see several modified files and several deleted files. Is it possible to stage only deleted or only modified files?
I would just like to echo the value of ORIG_HEAD at the command line -- how can I do this? To no avail I tried: $ echo $ORIG_HEAD and $ git echo $ORIG_HEAD
I would just like to echo the value of ORIG_HEAD at the command line -- how can I do this? To no avail I tried: $ echo $ORIG_HEAD and $ git echo $ORIG_HEAD
I am getting an error when I try to push my changes to remote branch, the complete error that I get is shown below - $ git push origin master git: 'remote-ttps
I'm trying to add a private git repo onto cPanel but have ran into permission issues and not sure where I'm going wrong I have generated the SSH keys in cPanel
The user for my Git commits has changed, but I am not able to change that inside of Visual Studio Code. I changed the global settings in Git, but when I want to
I have a repo called react. I cloned it into a different repo locally called different-repo. How can I then get different-repo to push remotely to different-r
I currently have a single repo with two projects, each in their own subfolder: one in C# and one in Javascript. I want to have a pre-commit hook that will run j
i am new to git and i am doing a test repository to see how it goes. First when i did git add i had a warning telling me that my file will be turned to clrf or
I am using Git to manage the development and releases of some software used internally by my company, and having not used Git much prior to joining this company
I am using TortoiseGit on Windows. When I am trying to Clone from the context menu of the standard Windows Explorer, I get this error: Please make sure you
I am using GitHub CLI and MinGit for Windows. When I logout of GitHub CLI with gh auth logout and log back in with different account by calling gh auth login gi
Within Rancher Continuous Delivery, I am seeing an error on polling the GitHub repository with the below error: git ls-remote head master error exit status 128
I'm working on a Git branch called bug-fix-1, which I created based off integration branch. There was another branch bug-fix-2 which was merged into integration