Category "reverse-engineering"

x86 Assembly Question - Can anyone determine what is happening below?

I downloaded a modification for a 20+ year old game I play, which is written in assembly code. It adds a fog effect, and then varies the grip levels based on th

Trying to get creatureID with Cheat Engine

I am trying to get address of creature in custom client in Tibia. There are 2 actions which can be made to creature: Follow and Attack. Both of them are static

Trying to run a buffer-overflow with Python/pwntools

I work on a online program in which I should do a buffer Overflow. When I run the program, I have to complete a sum of two numbers generated randomly) : >>

VS Reversing FatalExecutionEngineError address

I'm working on very large piece of software that dynamically loads and uses a handful of dlls at runtime. VS 2022 compiles and runs this software without any is

IDA Hex Rays can't decompile function in automation

when I reverse the binary with IDA gui, all the functions get decompiled without a problem. but when I am running an automatic script on ida without gui, there

Reverse engineer of APC UPS serial protocol

I have a APC SMC1000-2UC UPS device that has a serial port to connection. The serial port protocol seems that is based on microlink protocol which has not docum

reverse engineering binary file format pattern maker xsd xsp

I'm new to reverse engineering (especially exe and dll) and trying to break pattern maker and cross-stitch pro file formats of saved patterns *.xsd and *.xsp I'