I'm deploying a Firebase Cloud Function via this GitHub Action. When I deploy from my own machine using a service account it works fine. When running the Action
my deploy script is as follows: - name: Log in to GitHub Packages run: echo ${PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN} | docker login ghcr.io -u ${{ secrets.NAMESPACE }} --
When I run npm ci on Github Actions I got the error: Run npm ci npm ERR! bindings not accessible from watchpack-chokidar2:fsevents npm ERR! A complete log of t
Now I have GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT=0 . And if I do git clone https://github.com/some/non-existing-repo - will fail without prompting for username & password. I
I am running my tests on aws lambda with the use of custom image. I'm using serverless for the configuration and the build of the image. Process works fine loca
I have a github repository for which I have an CI script set up using Github Actions. On 95% of the pushes into main, we need to run the script, so the script i
I have a github repository for which I have an CI script set up using Github Actions. On 95% of the pushes into main, we need to run the script, so the script i
In our git actions output for testing our custom R package (hosted on github), we're experiencing an error during execution: Error in utils::download.file(url,
I'm trying to reduce the amount of files I have for my workflows from 4 to 1. And with that my on is like this: on: pull_request: types: [opened, synchron
I have a single Github repository for both server and frontend. The directory structure looks like: root |- frontend |- server (Express App) Github Action:
Not able to create s3 bucket from terraform code to create s3 bucket. I have code uses: hashicorp/terraform-github-actions/[email protected] env: TF_AC
I am trying to do a maven deploy via GitHub actions and i am getting the below error:- gpg: directory '/home/runner/.gnupg' created gpg: keybox '/home/runner/.
On github.com, I have a little 6-byte file hello.txt consisting of "hello" and a newline:1 In an Ubuntu-18 workflow with runs-on: ubuntu-18.04, we have: But o
I have a GitHub required status check which gets executed every time a PR is opened/edited/reopened/synchronized to master. The action itself gets executed succ
I need to compile my code for both 32 and 64 bit windows. As far as I understand, I basically need to configure my CI so that this command: rustup default print
I created Docker image locally Tagged it for Github Docker registry Pushed it to Github Docker registry Now I want to use it in Github action that create Docker
I have the following input set up for my Github Workflow on: workflow_dispatch: inputs: environment: type: choice description: Envir
I'm trying to write a slack notification bot to trigger off of GitHub pull requests, but I'm running into a sanitization issue I have an action defined as follo
I'm trying to write a slack notification bot to trigger off of GitHub pull requests, but I'm running into a sanitization issue I have an action defined as follo
I am using Github Actions Service Container to start a postgres instance like so: name: Pull Request on: pull_request: branches: - main - sta