Category "github-actions"

how to make a github action matrix element conditional

I have a workflow that uses 'strategy' = 'matrix' and a list of specific configurations to build. Link to Workflow YAML (also provided below) # # build-N-test-v

How to pass arguments in bulk to another step in a Github Action?

I want to pass the value set by core.setOutput to different steps at once. So I passed the outputs of the step hello-action to another step: //index.js const co

Laravel + phpunit + github actions = Failed asserting that '1' is identical to 1

I'm trying to make CI pipeline and run phpunit tests via GitHub actions. First of all: tests work fine on my local machine (mac os). Then, when I do git push my

Github actions How to only run a step when merging into master

I have been trying to get this right for hours, and nothing I have managed to find has helped. I am trying to setup a github action that will run tests on every

Why can't I push tags in GitHub workflows anymore, and how do I fix it?

My team has a GitHub release workflow that automatically tags our prod branch on push. It has been working fine for the last year, with the most recent success

Github Actions, Deploy ARM template with Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments

i ve been trying to deploy an ARM template with Github Actions and keep falling into the same problem no matter what I tried: Authorization failed for template

cURL request not working in GitHub actions, works locally

I’m attempting to make a cURL patch request via a GitHub action that executes when I make a push. The cURL call works perfectly when I execute it in Windo

Determine source branch name on merge push in GitHub action workflow

I have a GitHub action workflow where I am doing a merge of various different source branches into target branch main. Here is a test workflow to read the value

Using GitHub Actions to automatically update the repo's submodules

Title says it all. I tried using a bunch of different git commands like git submodule update --remote --merge and git submodule foreach git pull origin master w

How to update/cherry-pick other branches on push on specified branch?

I would like to create GitHub action that is triggered by push on specified branch X. This action will push/cherry-pick changes made on branch X to other branch

How to run GitHub Actions workflow only if the pushed files are in a specific folder

I have a folder structure that looks something like this. - folder1 - file1 - *other files* - folder2 - file1 - *other files* - .gitignore - package.jso

GitHub Actions: How to view inputs for workflow_dispatch?

My idea here is to write my inputs from workflow_dispatch on each pipeline run. . For example, in Bitbucket pipelines input parameters shown after custom - Is

GitHub Actions: How to view inputs for workflow_dispatch?

My idea here is to write my inputs from workflow_dispatch on each pipeline run. . For example, in Bitbucket pipelines input parameters shown after custom - Is

GitHub Action Get Commit Message

So I am building an action that does a build for a project that will go to Netlify. In the action I can pass a deploy message. In that deploy message, I want to

How to deploy an AWS Amplify app from GitHub Actions?

I want to control Amplify deployments from GitHub Actions because Amplify auto-build doesn't provide a GitHub Environment doesn't watch the CI for failures and

Running a GitHub Actions step only if specific steps failed

I’d like to run a step only if specific previous steps FAILED with Exit Code different from Zero. I’ve tried the code below but it not working. How

Github Self-Hosted runner registration auth fails in GCE

I am setting up self hosted runner on the Google compute engine by following the steps as advised by GitHub for Enterprise as follows. //Create a folder $ mkdir

Running a GUI application on a CI service without X11

I have a GUI application that I would like to set up testing for via GitHub Actions. I already have it set up so that GitHub Actions compiles the application on

Error "Waiting for a runner to pick up this job" using GitHub Actions

When I use GitHub Actions with my config, there is a long waiting and it shows "Waiting for a runner to pick up this job". What does 'runner' mean? And how can

GitHub Actions expression functions: string manipulation?

In a GitHub Actions workflow definition file, there's a set of built-in functions that you can use in expressions. For example: ${{ toJson(github) }} Are there