Applying CI/CD With Spring Boot MySQL Gitlab I'm created very basic Spring boot crud application with MySQL, What I need to implement is Gitlab CI pipeline to a
I'm creating a GitLab pipeline which should build, test and deploy a dotnet core application with Angular application. So far so good! This project was created
I got some problems with a detached head for my repository in a CI pipeline. In the build stage of the pipeline I am running a script, which changes a specific
I'm trying to unregister gitlab-runner on EC2 instance (Ubuntu machine) with the following command: sudo gitlab-runner --debug unregister --token [RUNNER-TOKEN]
I have CI pipeline which have stages like this. As it shows most of the stuff here is done on remote machine which is working fine. The only issues I am unable
I've a gitlab-ci file that works as is no problem, however, a question has been asked as to whether we can abstract the contents of this file/move this file to
I am seeing an issue running testcafe tests on the gitlab runner. The tests runs fine locally on the gitlab runner, but when run off the CI/CD pipeline it fails
I have a GitLab CI/CD job doing some stuff. I want some executed commands to be able to fail and result in a warning for this job, but I also want other command
I have a Gitlab Runner running on Kubernetes. I see there are options to limit concurrent jobs from the runner level, but it would be preferable if we could do
I am looking to use the environment keyword as shown below in job which has trigger. deploy: stage: deploy environment: name: develop variables:
So I'm attempting to implement selenium tests within a GitLab ci pipeline. Currently, I've run these tests on my local system mirroring the testing method that
I am trying to add needs between jobs in the Gitlab CI yaml configuration file. stages: - build - test - package - deploy maven-build: stage: build
I have been able to login to my npm registry manually, ie: on my local machine - but for some reason it's not working when it goes through the CI. The problem h
I am using fastlane to build my unity iphone application. It worked perfectly until all of a sudden i started getting the following error/warning during build:
I have created a custom trigger form my project in GitLab and it works fine on branch 'main' via curl (with POST queries): curl -X POST -F token=%myToken% -F re
I can use the JWT auth method and obtain a token: export VAULT_TOKEN=\ $(vault write -field=token auth/jwt/login role=$my_role_name jwt=$CI_JOB_JWT) I can also
I'm trying to push an image to gitlab registry. I've done it many times, so I wonder why I get this error. I build the image with latest tag: Successfully t
I have a dedicated server and attached Git-Runner. We just want to run something like this on a file path git pull npm install npm run prod the problem is git-
I want to copy data with scp in GitLab pipeline using PRIVATE_KEY error is : kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer Connection reset by x.x
variables: MAVEN_OPTS: "-Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1.2 -Dmaven.repo.local=$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.m2/repository -