Category "gitlab"

How to auto deploy Docker Image on own server with GitLab?

I am trying to Google it for few hours, but can't find it. I have Java/Spring application (+MySQL if it matters) and I am looking to create CI for that. I know

ssh with 2 accounts in gitlab doesn't work

I'm trying to add 2 ssh keys in my pc to work with 2 gitlab accounts, I created 2 pair of keys and made this "config" file: # Compte Perso Host

How should ElasticSearch be configured to index JSON meta data structures in text files?

When adding front matter to a markdown document in i.e. GitLab, I am able to find the property using fulltext search. --- title: "My subject" author: "Jane Doe"

GitLab Incremental BackUp

Now everyday i'm taking the full back-up of gitlab-CE 8.12.4 server whose size is more than 4 GB. Is there any way or work-around to take the incremental backup

Git local: "failed to stat ... Permission denied"

I got this error in pull or push in a Git local repository: Cloning into 'porject.get'... warning: failed to stat 'C:/.get/objects/02/20365a0796c99f07237a3fb8ba

I am trying to access a gitlab yaml from another project within same group in my main project

Code: include: - project: 'testing-parent-pipeline/Testing-child-push' file: 'script/test.yml' I am getting this error Project testing-parent-pipeline/T

Get à 401 Unauthorized when trying to lint my gitlab-ci.yml (version 13.8)

Since monday, I'm not able to use the lint CI API from gitlab, which is documented here

Gitlab Runner Image with GCP credentials

I am trying to teach my Gitlab Runner image to get custom builder images from my private Docker Registry (GCR running in the Google Cloud). What did not work o

How to get version_id of page in wiki with Gitlab API

With Gitlab API it is currently possible to get a specific page of the wiki, and to edit it. With UI, when you click on a page, you can view its history and see

Can we combine jobs into one in .gitlab ci/cd yaml file?

This is ci/cd yaml file I using services: - docker:19.03.11-dind workflow: rules: - if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == $CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH || $CI_

GitHub PR doesn't trigger GitLab pipeline

I'm trying to use GitHub to trigger on PR a GitLab pipeline. Practically when a developer creates a PR in GitHub, his/her code get tested against a GitLab pipel

Gitlab Shell Script Permission Denied

I am running a simple shell script with Gitlab CICD and I am getting Permission denied. Kindly suggest When I do chmod +x it says operation not permitte

Why is npm publish telling me the package doesn't exist?

I'm trying to upload an npm package to a GitLab registry for the first time. I set the scope and the npm config entries according to the documentation, but when

Is it possible to only trigger a Pipeline if certain files are changed?

I have a project with a working GitLab-CI configuration, but I only want to create and execute a pipeline, when one of my config files are changed. Is there a w

Why did my job get stuck while trying local Gitlab-runner?

I got this Runner has never contacted this instance,what does it mean? I can confirm that I have one. Available specific runners My .gitlab-ci.yml stages:

List all the projects and all the groups

What is the easiest method to list all the projects and groups in GitLab using my private token?

Exporting environment variables from one stage to the next in GitLab CI

Is there a way to export environment variables from one stage to the next in GitLab CI? I'm looking for something similar to the job artifacts feature, only for

How to change the Tagger name and email of a Git Tag

Long story short I'm writing a script to migrate a very large project from (gasp) Microsoft SourceSafe to Git and I'm trying to retain the authors of the Source

SSH-Key not recognized "receive packet: type 51" in Gitlab-CE

In my installation of Gitlab Community Edition 14.8.2, clone/push/etc.-actions do not work via SSH. The same actions via HTTPS work as usual. Also SSH actions o

How to limit a job in gitlab ci to a tag matching a pattern?

I want to be able to trigger a deployment to a special server every time a tag matching a pattern is pushed. I use the following job definition: # ... deploy