Category "gitlab"

Abstract contents of gitlab-ci file to only use "include"

I've a gitlab-ci file that works as is no problem, however, a question has been asked as to whether we can abstract the contents of this file/move this file to

GitLab job allow failure on certain exit code

I have a GitLab CI/CD job doing some stuff. I want some executed commands to be able to fail and result in a warning for this job, but I also want other command

How do I see a file's all historical version on Gitlab?

First I thought this is a very simple issue. But after trying a lot of ways, I couldn't find a way to explore a file's all history versions on What

Gitlab: Is there a way to limit the concurrency jobs in Gitlab by number?

I have a Gitlab Runner running on Kubernetes. I see there are options to limit concurrent jobs from the runner level, but it would be preferable if we could do

Cannot add to repository

Here is error when i use git add . $ git add . error: short read while indexing .editorconfig error: .editorconfig: failed to insert into database

SonarQube delegate authentication to GitLab fail [404 not found]

Context: Sonarqube: --> Gitlab: 13.4.3-ee --> What I am trying to achieve: I try to

Gitlab CI: Using "environment" key with trigger in job

I am looking to use the environment keyword as shown below in job which has trigger. deploy: stage: deploy environment: name: develop variables:

How to verify ssh key on

I'm setting up a SSH key for the first time on I'm stuck at verifying that you can connect: ssh -T [email protected]. The yo

I have a problem setting up git repository and pushing changes in visual studio code

how to set git up in vs code. help i cant set it up. When i try to push a commit it shows cant find repository and shows a publish branch button and it opens a

How to reference local files in a Gitlab pipeline (File does not exist error message)

I have the next configuration in my gitlab proyect: cont_eval: variables: DOCKER_TLS_CERTDIR: "/certs" stage: cont_eval

Adds needs relations to GitLab CI yaml but got an error: the job was not added to the pipeline

I am trying to add needs between jobs in the Gitlab CI yaml configuration file. stages: - build - test - package - deploy maven-build: stage: build

Gtilab pipeline trigger don't work over webhook (returns 404)

I have created a custom trigger form my project in GitLab and it works fine on branch 'main' via curl (with POST queries): curl -X POST -F token=%myToken% -F re

Building Go apps with private gitlab modules in Docker

I am trying to build my go apps on a docker file. Inside my go.mod there is private package that needs authentication/ssh. This question is similar to Building

denied: requested access to the resource is denied when pushing image to gitlab registry

I'm trying to push an image to gitlab registry. I've done it many times, so I wonder why I get this error. I build the image with latest tag: Successfully t

How to download git-lfs files using the oid sha256 information

I came across a set of images (e.g.,

k3s failed to get Kubernetes server version: Get dial tcp connect: connection refused"

I have a weird problem that I cannot understand. Running a k3s cluster with an external mysql database on ubuntu server 18.04 LTSall the pods that come pre-inst

Gitlab Cannot start runsv is not running

I just upgraded my gitlab-ce version to the latest version using this command sudo yum install gitlab-ce-12.1.3-ce.0.el7.x86_64 the upgrade works well, but a

how to integrate gitlab repository to azure devops

We are using git (on premises gitlab) as source controle, Can some one guide me how I can integrate private gitlab repo to my azure devops organization to push

Possible to add kaniko to alpine image or add jq to kaniko image

This is how I'm using kaniko to build docker images in my gitlab CI, which is working great. But I need to read a json file to get some values. Therefore I need

How do i add custom certificate to gitlab-ci.yml file with default runner. I am running this on cloud

variables: MAVEN_OPTS: "-Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1.2 -Dmaven.repo.local=$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.m2/repository -