I came across a set of images (e.g., https://github.com/kehuantiantang/A-DNN-based-Semantic-Segmentation-for-Detecting-Weed-and-Crop/blob/master/stuttgart/stutt
I have a weird problem that I cannot understand. Running a k3s cluster with an external mysql database on ubuntu server 18.04 LTSall the pods that come pre-inst
I just upgraded my gitlab-ce version to the latest version using this command sudo yum install gitlab-ce-12.1.3-ce.0.el7.x86_64 the upgrade works well, but a
We are using git (on premises gitlab) as source controle, Can some one guide me how I can integrate private gitlab repo to my azure devops organization to push
This is how I'm using kaniko to build docker images in my gitlab CI, which is working great. But I need to read a json file to get some values. Therefore I need
variables: MAVEN_OPTS: "-Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1.2 -Dmaven.repo.local=$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.m2/repository - Dorg.slf4j.simpleLogger.log.org.apache.maven.cli.transfer
According to the documentation, it should be possible to access GitLab repos with project access tokens: The username is set to project_{project_id}_bot, such
My project consists of a parent project and a child project. The child project is included in the parent project as a submodule. I am using Gitlab CI. Below is
Suppose I have repository on Gitlab and following deploying scheme: Setup docker and gitlab-runner with docker executor on host server. In .gitlab-ci.yml setup
In my internal gitlab site there are a lot of repositories and I want to find repositories which don't' have commits for so long . In order to do this , I sear
How I can set default reviewers in GitLab Premium? In Settings → General I have only Merge request (MR) approvals, not reviewers.
When will run the MR merging the “test” feature branch into the release branch.The pipeline will trigger and Create an MR to merge the “test&r
I am trying to download a file or folder from my gitlab repository, but they only way I have seen to do it is using CURL and command line. Is there any way to d
So far we have been using GKE public cluster for all our workloads. We have created a second, private cluster (still GKE) with improved security and availabilit
I have an application hosted on GitLab and have set the GitLab CI to build my docker image and push it into GitLab Container registry. Now I want to deploy that
I'm working with two apps, one of them is server-app (Netflix eureka server) and the other is the client-app, they works perfectly on my machine, client registe
In one pipeline there are multiple stages. How can I get the results (succeeded or failed) of previous stages/jobs in the last stage/job of a pipeline?
Recently, I have created newbranch and created a merge request to Master branch. Before TeamLead accept merge request into Master branch another team member was
I have a GitHub repository on LaTeX template which was originally created by using another GitLab repository. Now I like to show the connection and fork relatio
I'm currently improving the integration of Jenkins that we have in Gitlab CE 10.6.0. For now, we had a webhook that trigger a pipeline in Jenkins. The job was e