Category "gnuplot"

gnuplot, problem with margins in spiderplot

I am trying to create a spider plot using data from several files. Everything is in order (axes, values etc) with the exception of the margins and plot title po

Reading a data file with multiple blocks as one coherent data file

Suppose I have a data file that consists of multiple blocks like the following: 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 Now let us plot this file: plot "data.dat" w lines

Connect points from different files with gnuplot

I have a variable number of files with a single row and 2 columns. I already plot the data in one window using plot for [i=1:7] './data'.i.'.txt' using 1:2 wit

Gnuplot: store last data point as variable

I was wondering if there is an easy way, using Gnuplot, to get the last point in a data file say data.txt and store the values in a variable. From this questio

How do I improve my fit of the double slit diffraction in gnuplot?

I wrote this code to fit the intensity equation of a double slit diffraction over my measured data. The problem is that the fit graph isnt proportional to the p

Plotting file rows as a function of first row in sequence with gnuplot

I am trying to animate the time evolution of the probability density of a wave-function of a system (1D), and already created a file with the amplitude of each

plot spheres in gnuplot from file

I have a file with 4 columns (radius,x,y,z) that contains on each line the coordinates of a sphere and its radius. Could you please help me to plot these sphere

3D histogram with gnuplot or octave

I would like to draw a 3D histogram (with gnuplot or octave) in order to represent my data. lets say that I have a data file in the following form: 2 3 4 8