Category "go"

How can I force go mod to accept a module that declares its path being different from its go.mod?

When I run go mod tidy, it breaks because a package imported by my project imports another package using path, but when it fetches the p

I add file to my API and got invalid character '-' in numeric literal in POST API

I know this code need to send a JSON instead of form data in the API err := ctx.ShouldBindJSON(&modelAdd) if err != nil { return err } But

How to validate an email address in Go

I have checked the StackOverflow and couldn't find any question that answers how to validate email in Go Language. After some research, I figured out and solved

When to use swagger route vs swagger operator

I am trying to auto-generate swagger.yaml file using go-swagger in my golang project. I understood difference between path and operation. And here are links for

In Go, why does exec.Command() fail but os.StartProcess() succeed launching "winget.exe"?

exec.Command() works for executing C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe But exec.Command() doesn't work for executing C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Microso

GCP Server crashing with "cloudsql.enable_instance_password_validation"

Over the past day I have been experiencing this error very frequently which results in the cloud instance needing to be reset in order to continue connections:

how to use Google Analytics Data API v1 with golang

there is no golang demo code to use Google Analytics Data API v1 in

Retrieve response metadata in interceptor in gRPC-go

For short: How can I retrieve response's initial_metadata with grpc.WithStreamInterceptor without wrapping grpc.ClientStream? The situation is I try to use an i

Can't we include vars in gorilla subrouter pathprefix?

I'm trying to add a subrouter to my router code : router := mux.NewRouter() baseRouter := router.PathPrefix("/api/v1").Subrouter() managementRouter := baseRoute

How to create generic method in Go? (method must have no type parameters)

Golang 1.18beta supports generic, I want to add an extension method on a generic slice. e.g. a map function is defined as this: func Map[E, V any](slice *[]E, i

How to avoid duplicate elements in slice in json validation?

Although I am not a pro-Golang developer, I am trying to restrict the duplicate elements from my array in struct during JSON validation. type Test struct { Test

Build excluding test modules

My project has the following structure: ├── api │   ├── api.go │   ├── api

Swagger generation is ignoring SecurityDefiniton

Cannot understand one thing, why swag init command is generating everything, except SecurityDefinition block For example, this is my code on main function: // @

no handler found for uri [<index>/_doc/<document_id>/_update] and method [POST]

Currently, i am using client go-elasticsearch version v7.8.0 and elastic of version 8.1.2. the elastic search got updated from version 7.x Now when I try to upd

Unable to debug Golang on Vscode M1 Mac (arm64)

I have an M1 mac and cannot invoke functions via DLV in VSCode. Unable to evaluate expression: backend does not support function calls Delve Debugger Version: 1

low bandwith usage on golang exec.Command("").Run()

I am building a golang app which uses youtube-dl to download some files from mixcloud. I recognized that when I execute youtube-dl

Issue sharing array between goroutines

I am trying to solve this golang exercise I guess I am close to the solution

grpc with mustEmbedUnimplemented*** method

Recently, grpc-go introduced the mustEmbedUnimplemented*** method. It is used for forward compatibility. In simple terms, I am unable to understand how it is he

vscode ssh develop Go cannot stop at breakpoint when code under /home/{username}/ floder

I have the remote develop problem. I want to ask for some advices to solve this problem. when my code under ~/ floder, debug cannot stop at breakpoints: when

force a transitive dependency version in golang

I have a question about dependencies in golang. My application defines a go.mod like this: module require ( v0.0.1 ) go