Category "google-chrome-extension"

How to connect a Chrome extension made with React to Metamask and other wallets?

I need to connect Metamask to a Chrome extension I'm doing. I'm not a crypto expert, I'm using ethers js and following some tutorials but the extension doesn't

After updating to the latest Redux Dev Tools extension I am getting: "Symbol.observable as defined by Redux and Redux DevTools do not match."

For some unknown issue after getting the latest update from the redux dev tools chrome extension I am getting the below warning message: Symbol.observable as d

Uncaught TypeError: Failed to construct 'URL': Invalid URL in chrome extension v3 when using messages

Here is a minimal extension for chrome in v3: manifest.json { "manifest_version": 3, "name": "Test", "version": "1.0", "description": "Test extension",

Why is the scope different in chrome extension's popup?

I'm experimenting with Google Chrome extensions. In a popup html I have a button that executes the readItalian function. italianBtn.addEventListener("click", as

chrome.scripting.executeScript doesn't work in background.js

i'm developing a chrome extension which will input some search conditions and then trigger a button to retrieve result automatically. Since the result can't be

How to stop CORB from blocking requests to data resources that respond with CORS headers?

I am developing a Chrome extension which makes requests from certain websites to an API I control. Until Chrome 73, the extension worked correctly. After upgrad

Chrome Extension shows incorrect font size compared to the local dev testing

I was developing an app while I was testing it on Google Chrome with react npm run, but when I Uploaded the Extension to Google to test it, something very stran

Problems with asynchronous calls in chrome extension

I had this idea for a new chrome extension: It should create a linking QR code for the currently open website, displayed in the popup.html which can be easily s

How to execute executeScript before completing onBeforeRequest?

I have a function that intercepts the request and changes the url based on the data from the page function my_func(requestDetails) { var count="0"; chrome.t

Getting "Uncaught ReferenceError: i is not defined" error whenever I want to use an exported element from another file

I'm developing a chrome extension using webpack and babel. I have this popup.js: import 'regenerator-runtime/runtime' // This is required in every JS files that

Getting "Uncaught ReferenceError: i is not defined" error whenever I want to use an exported element from another file

I'm developing a chrome extension using webpack and babel. I have this popup.js: import 'regenerator-runtime/runtime' // This is required in every JS files that

How to detect that Chrome Extension with Manifest v3 was unloaded

Our Chrome extension has both content and background scripts communicating with each other. When the plugin is updated, the background script is stopped and the

Using react dev tools inside iframe [In Chrome]

When react app is inside an iframe, dev tool chrome extension for react is not working. Refererd: Solution sugges

how to verify google sign in chrome extension using launchWebAuthFlow on nodejs server

I want to signin using google to my server in chrome extension. So I am using launchWebAuthFlow in background.js. Here is the code function showAuthDialog(url,

How to handle "Unchecked runtime.lastError: The message port closed before a response was received"?

Forgive me for any glaring mistakes as I am new to chrome extensions, but this error with Chrome's message passing API has been discussed here, here, and here i

How to handle "Unchecked runtime.lastError: The message port closed before a response was received"?

Forgive me for any glaring mistakes as I am new to chrome extensions, but this error with Chrome's message passing API has been discussed here, here, and here i

Automated Chrome Extension installation fails on jenkins windows node

In my Jenkins job I try to install a chrome-extension using "C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --load-extension="D:\Jenkins\workspace\test\

paste image in Whatsapp chat using js in chrome extension

I want to paste image from my clipboard to whatsapp chat from clipboard i tried using document exec command with different parameters like insertHTML , insertIm

Network not showing up in the Chrome Extension Background Page on Manifest v3

I feel really stupid but for some reason I cannot find the Network tab in my DevTools anymore... It's been there on the new Manifest v3 before, just somehow dis

How to detect #enable-force-dark flag on Chrome v78+ using JavaScript?

I've recently designed and implemented a dark mode for my website that uses custom dark colors to match the light (default) color scheme, and I also recently be