Category "stenciljs"

What is this StencilJs Syntax?

render() { return ( <Host> <div> I don't understand this syntax. Stencil is written in typescript file. As a a parameter return

How to test stenciljs nested components

I have a stenciljs component embedded inside another stenciljs component <parent-component> <child-component attrz="x"> </child-component>

Emit data from stencil component to ReactJs component

How to catch emitted data in stencilJs component in ReactJs component? I've created a CustomInputStencil component that has a prop of onChange that accepts a fu

StencilJS: How to compile a component production-ready (so it's simple to be used in projects)

A group of volunteers has created a single/multi-select component using StencilJS: Now we want to hand it over to th

Stencil Web Components optional/required property

In Stencil web component there are different property annotations: regular one: @Prop() name; optional: @Prop() name?; required: @Prop() name!; If there exis

Stencil unit testing: How to mock initial state and load newSpecPage?

I am new to unit testing and planning to write unit test cases but not E-2-E for the below mentioned scenario and playgrounnd link for scenario is at the bottom