Category "google-cloud-firestore"

Firebase data is not fetching in flutter app

I'm developing a simple app to learn firebase, the creation of data is working fine, but they can't fetch the created data. and there is no error showing. just

Can Firestore JS SDK onSnapshot listeners work over an http proxy?

I use the firestore js sdk in my web app, and faced a problem: some of my users are behind a firewall that blocks firebase urls (

Getting null value outside the function in flutter

I am getting a null value for the 'count' when I am accessing it through the Text widget. But when I print the value of count in the function, it shows the corr

how to access firestore subcollection using cloud functions

i have the following database model: car Workshops collection which is the root collections, and it has collections based on car Brands for example car Workshop

Error: Cannot find module 'semver' when I run firebase deploy--only functions

When I run firebase deploy --only functions on Node.js command prompt, I got this error. Command prompt error

FirebaseError: Function addDoc() called with invalid data. Unsupported field value

im trying to add post to my firebase database but i got error like in the title (Uncaught (in promise) FirebaseError: Function addDoc() called with invalid data

Jasmine unit test Angular service with nested spies

I´m trying to test this Angular service which uses af.firestore.collection, not just af.collection, as shown below, so to be able to access the onSnapshot

Does Firestore not charge for documents that are cached and unchanged in a Read query with persistence enabled?

My assumption was that Firestore would not consider the client cache when evaluating Read usage. However, when I have persistence enabled in my application, it

Firestore to query by an array's field value

I'm trying to run a simple query, where I search for a document that contains a value inside an object array. For instance, look at my database structure: I wa

Streambuilder from firebase firestore with advanced filtering

Based on new version of firebase dependencies in flutter, there is new filters such like isNotEqualTo, arrayContains, arrayContainsAny, whereIn and so on. I try

Accessing nested array of documents containing collections with Firebase v9

I am trying to retrieve the resultant array of collections that has documents mapping to their respective collections in firebase v9. For example, I have this w

Firebase: Use converter in transaction with Firestore

I am trying to use a Firestore data converter inside a transaction where I am adding a record to a collection (entries) and updating a counter in another collec

Firestore rules: Property is undefined on object. for 'list' @ L6

I am having an issue where I am trying to query a subquery by a field, and I have tried the emulator as well as firebase support (still on going, but not soluti

Firebase as socket io [duplicate]

I want to use firebase but i want that i will get realtime users on the app. But not getting how to get it as i found this is the firestore DB

If clause in a React return statement with

So I'm making a React program that's about sports. In there I have a table that shows user inputs and those are saved in Firebase realtime database. I'm getting

Installing Firebase tools: Stuck at downloading Chromium

I am trying to run in the terminal of the vs code since I plan to host this online already: npm install -g firebase-tools But it is stuck here: This is my pac

Firebase security rules (.read)

I have a question about Firebase Database security rules. I want only some documents to be reflected in the application. I tried to create a "published" field i

Why not firebase fields not getting updated?

I am trying to update my firebase database based on "aadhar" field but I am failing to do it so. I don't know where it is going wrong. Here is my activity code

Flutter - Can't get collection from firestore

_getLatestCompletedWorkout() async { try { QuerySnapshot workouts; workouts = await FirebaseFirestore.instance .collection('users')

Why do I keep receiving an error when initializing my firebase project while setting up firestore?

I am learning how to set up and host a webpage through firebase, and when I attempt to initialize the project (by running firebase init in the firebase CLI) eve