Category "google-cloud-firestore"

Convert String to Date then to timestamp to add to firestore

Okay so I've got two react native componenet DateTimePicker that I use to collect a date and time from the user using the following on change func const onChan

How to handle offline aggregation using Firestore?

I have been scouring the internet for days on a solution to this problem. That is, how to handle aggregation when there is no network connection? I have a task

Firestore: How to insert a document with automatic id while enforcing unique field value?

In Firestore, I have a collection of fruits containing documents with automatically generated ids, and a name property. I want to insert a new fruit document, w

Firebase / Firestore Add Document to Sub collection Version 9

Some reason, I just am not getting it. I want to add a new document to a sub-collection. Here is my layout as follows: Users----------- Collection UID--------

Flutter - how to trigger a function after the async function is completed

Hi I would like for the addUserToFirestore() function to trigger after the code above has done being executed Future<void> registerAccount( String e

How to keep class' members untouched if it contains a field with an annotation in proguard

How do I configure proguard/R8 to keep all the fields and methods of a class if the class contains an annotated field? I have a class public class MyDocument {

Flutter Firestore - Load insted references in same model

My project has a document with two or more references, sometimes I need to load these references data before display the data itself. For example: "Item" docume

AWS s3 / React: Password protecting site

I have a react application deployed successfully to a S3 bucket. I need to find a way to password protect access to the s3 url, for example if you open the url

REACT JS - Firebase: Data type NUMBER

Simple and quick question (And yes I google it first, got mislead to phone number verification and other stuff), Anyways! back to the point Why when I input dat

Migrate firestore native mode to Datastore mode , Any Google Cloude utilty?

Migrating our database from firestore native mode to Datastore mode , Any Google cloud utility

cloud_firestore/unavailable The service is currently unavailable

I am using Firebase Firestore in my flutter application. Everything works fine in debug mode. But, in release mode I get the following error. I saw a similar qu

Flutter Firebase documents are randomly ordered

I made a simple chat app using Flutter. My app is functioning perfectly fine (getting and dumping data into firebase) but once my messages get into my database,

'FirebaseCore/FirebaseCore.h' file not found while building for Release Mode in Xcode Version 11.5 (11E608c)

I am able to run the app in Debug mode in XCODE and simulator without any errors. But when I build for Release Mode the build fails with below 2 errors: 'Fireb

Firebase could not reach Cloud Firestore backend. Backend didn't respond within 10 seconds

I've been facing this issue for the past few days. I digged as far as i could on it and couldn't find a solution. I'm using React Native 0.64.2 and the last Fir

Operate multiple in operations in Firestore. Any hack possible?

I want to query on multiple fields based on multiple in conditions as shown below: db .collection(firebasePaths.funfuse_verified_users) .orderBy('uid')

Undefined $event when trying to generate a path

To upload a picture into Firebase storage, I am creating a path for the AngularFireStorage.upload method: In the template, an input to select the file: <inpu

Failed to import Cloud Firestore library for Python

I am trying to create a python script to fetch data from my Cloud Firestore database. But I get this weird error: import firebase_admin from firebase_admin impo

Firebase: Cloud Firestore: listDocuments: doc read cost 1 or N? Possible alternative to Distributed Counter?

Building a social media app and confronting the 1write/doc/sec limit. Consequently, keeping vote data in the post document will not work at scale. I have read i

Firestore Query Default Order

The following is stated in the official documentation: By default, a query retrieves all documents that satisfy the query in ascending order by document ID. Yo

Firebase Push notification not receiving on Android 12

My Xamarin.Android app's push notification only works on Android 11 (Pixel 3 XL). Currently my app targets Android 11, however it also runs on Android 12 (Pixel