Category "angular-cli"

Error when installing ng add @ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap

There comes an error when installing ng-bootstrap to my Angular-CLI(11.0.4). When ng add @ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap And my log file [error] Error: npm ERR! co

internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:883 throw err

I've ran into an issue running npm start (I've attached the screenshot of the error bellow) on my Angular project. When I run the project using ng serve, everyt

Corrupted file - .xml2js.DELETE/package,json in node_modules within an Angular project

Errors began after updating to Angular-Cli V10.1.0. Initial problems I encountered: The ng command was not working. I found that core dependencies were missing:

Angular schematics exception: "NOT SUPPORTED: keyword "id", use "$id" for schema ID"

I have a custom schematic that won't apply to a new project... I also looked at this question but I couldn't make it work... My main workspace runs with this co

Angular schematics exception: "NOT SUPPORTED: keyword "id", use "$id" for schema ID"

I have a custom schematic that won't apply to a new project... I also looked at this question but I couldn't make it work... My main workspace runs with this co

ng test ELIFECYCLE error when run from npm script, but not when run directly from command line

Within my Angular (v10) project, I am trying to write a script for automated testing. But when executing from that script, I'm getting an npm ELIFECYCLE error.

Angular application start with "ng serve" returning error

⠋ Generating browser application bundles (phase: setup)...Compiling @angular/core : es2015 as esm2015 Error: Error on worker #1: TypeError:

Call retries were exceeded exception while ng build

I am facing an exception while ng build (generating ES5 bundles for differential loading...) An unhandled exception occured: Call retires were exceeded Used

Error in console: ng.probe is not a function

Yesterday I updated Angular CLI and core to 8.0.0v. After that I successfully initialized a new app and ran it. Once the app was built and served on localhost:4

How can I execute ng test for all components of sub modul of Angular app

I have my angular app, declared like this: app.module.ts export class AppModule {} for which I can run tests with ng test MyApp Within this app, I have mul

Angular serve library

In latest versions of Angular cli, we can use ng g library lib-name command to create library. As mentioned in the Angular docs : ng serve <project> An

Angular CLI command issue: "Unknown option: '--spec'"

I am running this command: C:\Users\Murali\my-first-app>ng g c abcde5 --dry-run -t -s --spec=false I am receiving the following error: Unknown option: '--

Trying to use turf js in angular 5

I'm an angular 5 (and turfjs) noob trying to use the turfjs along(). I've got a pretty simple working angular 5 project (built with angular-cli). To add turf

How to pass token in header section in authorization field in angular

I got token and stored in "this.token" as this.token = Venktoken; console.log(this.token); When I tried to pass the token values in header section am

Error: Cannot resolve type entity i10.BidiModule to symbol while building angular Lib project Angular 13

I am facing Error: Cannot resolve type entity i10.BidiModule to symbol while building angular Lib project. There are 2 other lib projects which are building fin

Cannot instantiate cyclic dependency! HttpClient ("[ERROR ->]"): in NgModule AppModule in ./AppModule@-1:-1

I have implemented an interceptor to add authorization header that i can make seucred api. I get an error when i inject this service in any app module // "Cann

Angular - Connects to Proxy server and gets response but then shows Error occured while trying to proxy to: localhost to actual server

I'm new to Angular(2,4). I was trying to connect to proxy server. Added proxy.config.json in project root directory { "/api/*": { "target": "http

Angular: ng new error when I create an angular project

I have this error using ng new project_name: An invalid configuration file was found ['angular.json']. Please delete the file before running the command. I am

Is it possible to build an Angular app without embedded styles?

My company is going through a re-branding and it involves some color changes to our app. Most of this is just tweaking SCSS variables, but i'd like to be able

Angular TSLint - Cannot find builder "@angular-devkit/build-angular:tslint"

When I try to run command ng lint --fix cli throws this error: An unhandled exception occurred: Cannot find builder "@angular-devkit/build-angular:tslint". See