Category "google-cloud-firestore"

firebase.firestore.FieldValue.arrayUnion is not a function

I'm trying to update an array in my firestore, i followed the documentation provided by Google (

Flutter: How to show a message if snapshot has no data

I have a simple problem in flutter but I cant quite figure out how to solve it. So here it is. I'm trying to show a message in my app if the snapshot that I'm c

Error "[core/no-app] No Firebase App '[DEFAULT]' has been created - call Firebase.initializeApp()" is thrown [duplicate]

I have a main file which returns home page and on the home page I am trying to call a new file (test.dart). Now the problem is this test.dart

Firebase Firestore Emulator UI is not showing any data, but data is being returned in app query

I am facing an odd issue with firebase's firestore emulator. When i start the emulator, and check the emulator's firestore UI, it shows that no data exists in t

Parsing JSON in React Native

I am currently using Google Firebase Firestore as a REST API. I feel like I am missing something quite basic as I am having a difficult time displaying data. I

Flutter-Firestore: - Code to retrieve data from firestore then save/use it

I am very new to Dart, and coding in general. I have produced this code after watching tutorials on YouTube. For the most part, I have been able to troubleshoot

Flutter: Update specific index in list (Firestore)

How exactly do you update a specific value in a list based on it's index? For example, in the following list: 0 [ { first_name: name0, last_nam

(Flutter) How to retrieve Firebase Storage images in a Streambuilder with the paths stored in Firestore

In my code, I have a streambuilder that returns items from Firestore using the geoflutterfire package to load items that are within a radius of the user. These

Firestore returns empty list [duplicate]

I have 3 entries in my firestore database. I need to query the data and fetch it, then input it into an ArrayList. The problem is my query is

React Native Firestore getting data problem

When I try to access the data from a Firestore collection called 'Targets' it returns: {"_U": 0, "_V": 0, "_W": null, "_X": null} my firestore item is: item pho

Async arrow function expected no return value

I'm building an application with Firebase oAuth. I followed all the instructions, but my code is returning an error saying that 'asyn arrow function expected no

How to load events from firebase for a specific user for tablecalendar

I am currently building a project where a list of trainers is displayed for a user. When tapped on a listtile showing the trainer a modalBottomSheet opens up sh

Function DocumentReference.set() called with invalid data. Unsupported field value: a custom Budget object

Below code works fine until today. But I don't know now it is not working and gives below error.Could you tell me why? Error: Function DocumentReference.set

Firebase Storage REST API

I need very simple static image server for my flutter app. I am thinking about Cloud Storage, because I don't want to worry about own server administrating. I a

How to get document by current signed in user in Google Firestore

I am trying to get a specific document that is created when a user signs up. I made it so that when the use signs up, their firebase user ID is the name of the

How to send data via HTTP request to Firestore database

So, I am trying to make an app with Node.js, Vue, and Firebase. I currently have a very basic function using firebase functions to send data to the realtime dat

angularfire2 transactions and batch writes in firestore

How can I do batch writes/run transactions with firestore in an angular2 app? If it's poss

how to add elements to Listview.builder without rebuilding all the previous items

i use Listview.builder with a List of items in flutter , when the user scroll down i listen the the scroll controller than i get more data from firebase Firesto

How to do a bulk update in Firestore

I'm using Cloud Firestore and have a collection of documents. For each document in the collection I would like to update one of the fields. Using a transactio

How can I filter a stream in Flutter?

I am new to flutter/dart and within this page, I have a list of "information resources" populating the screen with a widget I've created called InformationResou