Category "google-cloud-firestore"

How to save GeoPoint in Firebase Cloud Firestore?

in the database UI I can create a field with the type geopoint. After providing values, it looks something like this: location: [1° N, 1° E] I'm tryi

How to get data from firestore document fields in flutter?

I'm trying to test firestore in my flutter-app but I can't really load the data as expected. This is how I get the data: Firestore.instance .collecti

How to convert timestamp firestore to date string and display in antd table

First, i have antd table and datasource from firestore with some fields and include timestamp field. my data is good running and show it in antd table, the prob

Disable Firestore in native mode

I think that in my project cloud firestore was wrongly enabled in native mode, while I would like to use the "old" datastore or firebase in native mode. I don'

How to play list(array) of videos from firebase :In my case I tried with lot of changes but I get this error

Here there are my two Dart file from that I retrieve my Video from firestore but in that, I made video array and try to retrieve it but it gives me an error , i

How do you add multiple documents at once to a collection in Firestore?

I am somewhat new to Firebase and looking for the ability to write multiple JSON objects into a collection under random IDs in one operation. I am just using fi

Firebase/Firestore - database has insecure rules?

I have a SwiftUI application, which uses Firebase as a back end, and my rules are something like this: rules_version = '2'; service cloud.firestore { match /d

Redux Toolkit: can I use createAsycThunk with Firebase listener functions (e.g. firestore.collection.onSnapshot)

Is there a way to use createAsyncThunk with Firebase listeners, for example firestore.collection.onSnapshot? It may not work because the way onSnapshot works (i

How to make a complex query to the firebase in flutter

My firestore-firebase database looks like: products -> collection Name | uid1 -> Document id | price : "200" | category: "a" | uid2

Flutter Firestore real-time pagination using multiple listeners streamed combined

I want to create a pagination screen, using Bloc, from the Firestore database. The screen should update on document changes. My FirestoreProviderApi receives fe

How get the first letter of displayName of a user during google sign in by using flutter and firestore?

And How capitalize the displayName first element? How I get the capital first letter of displayName of user, who just registered on my app and store the first l

Flutter - [Firebase] Your Cloud Firestore database has insecure rules

I Don't know why I am getting this mail, I never used Firebase Database in my flutter project, After clicking on the hyperlink it redirects to this code rules_

Simplify dictionary in python from a Firestore Trigger Event

I'm reading data from an Update Cloud Firestore Trigger. The event is a dictionary that contains the data whithin the key ['value']['fields']. However, each of

Is there a workaround for the Firebase Query "NOT-IN" Limit to 10?

I saw a similar question here: Is there a workaround for the Firebase Query "IN" Limit to 10? The point now is, with the query in, the union works, but with the

How to import test data into Firebase Firestore emulator from production for easy testing?

I am building a firebase function that listens to a trigger and sends a push notification to users. The trigger is based on firestore data that's too complex fo

getting an error while trying to run my app with firestore: Attempted to assign to readonly property

I'm currently working on an app in which you can keep track of Root Canal patients and it was working fine for a long time...but after the new update of the fir

flutter app suddenly can't fetch data from firestore, Status{code=PERMISSION_DENIED, description=Missing or insufficient permissions., cause=null}

i've been searching for a lot of problem that relate with this but i still didn't find the solution the error say Accessing hidden method Ldalvik/system/CloseG

how can I save the state of the 'liked' post by the user?

I have two collections in firestore, 'users' and 'posts'. HomePage is where all the posts are displayed in a listview and every post has a 'like' button. I'm sa

The data from Firestore database is not displayed in the tableview

I'm using Swift and Firestore database to implement an app like Twitter. I want to add sweet (it's like tweet) when button is clicked to the database. And then

How to paginate Cloud Firestore data with ReactJs

I'm working with Firebase - Cloud Firestore and at the moment I would like to paginate all the records available. I already have a list of records and what is l