Category "google-cloud-functions"

How can I specify the region of a Google Cloud Function?

I'm currently using Google Cloud Function to build up my restful API. However, I've found that it's slow because the my Google-Cloud-Function server is on "us-c

Firebase function: Callable request verification passed

I have defined a firebase function like this: exports.getTestResults = functions.region("europe-west3").https.onCall((data, context) => { return {

GCP - Cloud Function can't find Python package from Artifact Registry in the same project

I've been trying GCP's Artifact Registry, which is currently in alpha for Python packages. I do the authentication via Keyring along with my service account, as

Cannot add private python dependency to cloud function

I am trying to deploy a python cloud function on GCP, using a python package pushed on the artifact registry of another project. I followed the instructions off

Firebase deploy could not locate firebase.json

so, im a newbie in programming and still learning some stuff (i use windows btw) i try to make an app, connect it to firebase. after setting up everything its

How to give service account only access to one bucket (Google Cloud)?

How to give service account only access to one bucket? If you just in case wanna give another 3rd party service access to your private bucket? The problem is by

Google Cloud Functions sometimes doesn't find @google-cloud/* dependencies although the buildpack builds and runs fine in Docker on local

I am deploying a Google Cloud function and it fails to deploy because it sometimes doesn't find the module @google-cloud/pubsub and when it finds it, it instead

How to give restricted access of specific cloud function to third party

I have made a set of Cloud Functions and secured them by checking auth header like below if (!context.auth) return { status: "error", code: 401, message

Error: "Package firebase-functions has been ignored because it contains invalid configuration" - only occurs on Mac M1, not on Windows

When I try to build my react native app in both android and ios on my Mac M1, I get this does not occur when I build on Windows: Package firebase-f

Error: "Package firebase-functions has been ignored because it contains invalid configuration" - only occurs on Mac M1, not on Windows

When I try to build my react native app in both android and ios on my Mac M1, I get this does not occur when I build on Windows: Package firebase-f

Getting UNAUTHENTICATED Firebase scheduled functions

I've created a simple project in firebase and i wanted to try scheduled functions: After deploy I'

Firebase functions: cloud storage triggers not working because of insufficient permissions

I have a cloud function that is triggered by updates to storage. when I deploy any function that utilises cloud storage, I get an error code 7 and an insufficie

Google storage permissions error while generating signed url from cloud function

I'm attempting to use a Firebase Cloud Function to create signed download URLs for files stored in a Storage Bucket. Using the snippet below on my local machine

Deploy error Cloud Functions - Firebase Deploy

Error returning when executing the firebase deploy command. I tried some configuration options, but none worked. Error Firebase Deploy === Deploying to '###'...

Cloud Functions deploy error during lint on Windows: "enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory"

Following the firebase function getting started guide and getting a seemingly simple error once trying to deploy with: firebase deploy --only functions i dep

Google Cloud Functions error: "Cannot find module 'sharp'" but it's in my package.json

I am trying to deploy a function to Google Cloud Functions. I based it on their ImageMagick tutorial. Every time, the function fails to deploy because it reache

Google Cloud Functions error: "Cannot find module 'sharp'" but it's in my package.json

I am trying to deploy a function to Google Cloud Functions. I based it on their ImageMagick tutorial. Every time, the function fails to deploy because it reache

Firebase cloud function deploy error

irregularly my firebase deployment get stuck at this log: i functions: updating function [FUNCTION NAME]... After canceling the deploy and retrying it thro

Firebase Cloud Function config to access other project db

I need to create a Cloud Function that will access the Firebase DB that is running in another project. If it was accessing the db in the current project, I coul

Firebase functions dotenv variable undefined

I'm running an update of a Firebase functions project. Environment variables was managed with runtime environment configuration (functions.config). Regarding th