Category "google-cloud-platform"

gunicorn.errors.HaltServer while deploying to google cloud run for a python application

Here is my dockerfile. I am trying to deploy this image to google cloud run using below two command 1. gcloud builds submit --tag

Firebase Realtime Database: Save costs by choosing short path names?

Firebase RTDB costs are, in contrast to Firestore, calculated by download size (and not by operation count). When you get data, like in this pseudo code databas

How can I get all External IP Addresses in my GCP organization?

I would like to get ALL external IP addresses in my GCP Organization. This information seems to be available in the GCP Console under VPC network > External

Dataproc YARN container logs location

i'm aware of the existence of this thread:where are the individual dataproc spark logs? However if i ssh connect to a worker node vm and navigate to the /tmp fo

How to resolve class file for not found

I am Trying to upload JSON data to gcs. As I did not use google cloud previously I started with uploading random String to gcs but I got stuck at the beginning

Is there a way to get an initial event when using firestore/angularfire collectionChanges() on an empty collection

I am using Firestore with AngularFire and am currently trying NgRx for a new feature. As recommended, I am using collectionChanges instead of collectionData, to

Google Cloud Datastore Authentication on Windows 10

I'm setting up a windows 10 vm that has internet access (I browse the internet just fine on chrome inside the vm). I downloaded and installed the google cloud S

Bigquery An internal error occurred and the request could not be completed. Error: 60909208

I'm trying to run the following query but it keeps throwing this error after it keeps running for around 1 to 2 hours An internal error occurred and the reques

Not able to save model to gs bucket using

I am trying to save a PyTorch model to my google cloud bucket but it is always showing a "FileNotFoundError error". I already have a gs bucket and the file path

How to hook up Terraform to create Cloud Build Triggers that pull from a private bitbucket Repo In the GCP

I am setting up a terraform plan in order to create a cloud build trigger in the google cloud provider. However the steps outlined in the terraform documentatio

How to deduplicate GCP logs from Logs Explorer?

I am using GCP Logs explorer to store logging messages from my pipeline. I need to debug an issue by looking at logs from a specific event. The message of this

How to hook up Terraform to create Cloud Build Triggers that pull from a private bitbucket Repo In the GCP

I am setting up a terraform plan in order to create a cloud build trigger in the google cloud provider. However the steps outlined in the terraform documentatio

How to set up Google service account with permissions to send email for one user account (not Domain Wide delegation)

In have set up a service account for a particular project and that project has the "Gmail API" added to it as an enabled API. Is there a way to set up permissio

User Authentication for Identity Platform + API Gateway

I have a Cloud Run service fronted by API Gateway. I would like to restrict access to some of the endpoints using JWTs. The only examples Google provides are th

Create cron job on Google Cloud with custom name

Reading the docs for the Nodejs Scheduler I did not found how to pass a name for the cron job I want to create. Does anyone know if this package supports this?

I want know Google Home Account Linking detail step (with OAuth)

I followed step this link : but there are a few things that I can't understand. First

How to create Revision URL using gcloud run?

I recently noticed a beta feature in the Google Cloud Run web UI that allows you to create a Revision URL (tag). Super handy feature! My question: how can I cre

Cloud SQL Admin Api Warning in GCF

I have a function deployed in GCF which is executed in node js. And it works with Cloud SQL instance of MySQL. And I receive this warning from time to time. Cl

Monitoring GCP Projects with Terraform

I have a "Monitor" project in Google Cloud and want it to monitor the metrics of several other projects. On the Cloud Console, I can easily add these projects t

Problem with Google Cloud Pub/Sub API and Spring boot application

I write spring boot application for subscribing Google cloud Pub/Sub topic for this I use Google's tutorial, but when I run application I have get this error