Category "google-cloud-platform"

Is there a way to store image from the google storage buckets as JPEG locally?

So currently I have images stored in gcp storage. When I fetch an image, I receive a File object with several parameters. Being one of them mediaLink with a for

Execution failed for task ':app:mapDebugSourceSetPaths'. > Error while evaluating property 'extraGeneratedResDir' of task

I've checked this answer: It tells us to remove this line apply plugin: '' Removing

Error in reading the Firebase value: pricecode

Please tell me what is my mistake? I'm trying to count the pricecode and shove it into user -> price. But instead, it gives an error or a link, and not the v

How can I impersonate a GCP service account for web console access?

I want a feature similar to AWS's role switching. In AWS I can switch to a role in the AWS web console- impersonating a "service account" for accessing AWS via

Google Cloud Functions: Return valid JSON

I´m trying to call a Google Cloud Function from my Flutter App using the cloud_functions package. This is my Cloud Function: export const helloWorld = f

Google Cloud Vision API error "Invalid language hints."

I am using vision api to extract text (document_text_detection) in my project for last two year and never faced this issue. Since yesterday the api is randomly

Vertex AI Custom Training Job Container not finding my module: Error while finding module for '...' (ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '...')

I have a PyTorch training job that I am packaging in a Python software distribution (.tar.gz file). I upload the sdist to a GCS bucket and run it in a container

Is there a way to test a fully-managed Cloud Run revision before sending traffic to it?

I use Google's Cloud Run (fully managed) to run an app that I'm building. When I deploy a new revision, I'd like to be able to verify that various health check

Flutter Firebase offline issues with await

When I try to reorder things in my reorderable list view, I run into a problem. If the user is online, awaiting the document references (as seen in the code) ru

Why is my GCP Load Balancer Certificate stuck at provisioning?

I've set up everything according to the documentation: For the certificate provisioning process to proceed, all of the following conditions must be met:

How to auto instrument my Spring Boot web api call tracing and send to Google Cloud Trace

I am trying to figure out how to auto instrument my Spring Boot web api call tracing to Google Cloud Trace. (My Spring Boot app is in GKE). I did similar thing

kerberos error while authenticating on Confluent Kafka

I´ve been trying to understand apache beam, confluent kafka and dataflow integration with python 3.8 and beam sdk 2.7 the desire result is to build a pipe

Exception while batch processing document with Google Cloud DocumentAI V1 - StatusCode="DeadlineExceeded"

I am trying to create PoC for Google Cloud DocumentAI V1 using this I am using DocAI to convert .pdf files into text using DocAI BatchProcessing. I have created

Not able to build a jar in google Cloud Build

I am new to google cloud, I am building an application with maven. In my maven repository I have lib folder where I have didisoft jar files. I have added the pl

Google Cloud Platform - Vertex AI training with custom data format

I need to train a custom OCR in vertex AI. My data with have folder of cropped image, each image is a line, and a csv file with 2 columns: image name and text i

Managing multiple google cloud VM instances / compute engines at the same time

I have created a few servers on google cloud. I made them in VM instances. They run the same script everyday but each server runs with different arguments. How

How to send additional attributes in POST Request of

I am trying to send additional attributes along with standard values in request body of IdentityToolKit signUp and signIn APIs. for example POST API : https://i

How to pass hbase-site.xml to Google Cloud Dataflow template

We have a setup where we have a Hbase cluster running on Google cloud and using Dataflow I want to write into Hbase tables. For this, I want to pass my hbase-si

unable to create a gcloud alert policy in command line with multiple conditions

I am trying to create a single alert policy for Cloud-Sql instance_state through gcloud with multiple conditions. If the instance is in "RUNNABLE" OR "FAILED" s

GCP logs show function "Function execution took xxx ms. Finished with status: response error" whenever my header status code is not 200

As stated in the title, whenever I set my response header to be any status code besides the default (200), I receive a response error in my logs. This did not h