Category "google-colaboratory"

how to install octave packages on google colab?

I need to run some matlab code on google colab that needs 'image' package. I tried pkg install -forge image but that through an error. please help!

Google colab Glove_Python pip install not working

I am using ! pip install glove_python I'm getting this error message: Collecting glove_python Downloading

Problem in changing directory with a path variable in google colab

I want to change directory in google colab. a = 'drive/MyDrive/COLAB/colab_common_utilities' Following works: # method 1: import os os.chdir('drive/MyDrive/COLA

Google Colab: WARNING: Running pip as the 'root' user can result in broken permissions and conflicting behaviour with the system package manager

WARNING: Running pip as the 'root' user can result in broken permissions and conflicting behaviour with the system package manager. It is recommended to use a v

Is there a way to directly upload a video from youtube into colab?

I'm working on a lane detection project and I need to load the lane video into my colab for processing from youtube. Can i directly upload using the video's lin

Flattening Directory tree in Google Colab

I have a tree of directories like this User-1 Raw --Scan1.img --Scan2.img User-2 RAW --Scan1.img --Scan2.img Etc How would I go about flattening the directo

TypeError('Keyword argument not understood:', 'groups') in keras.models load_model

After training a model using Google Colab, I downloaded it using the following command (inside Google Colab):'model.h5') from google.colab import fi

import pyzbar.pyzbar - Unable to find zbar shared library

I want to make a script for detecting and reading QR codes from photos. I would like to use PyZbar for that, but I have a problem with some errors. I'm working

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'Data.csv'

I'm having an error with the above, I am in no rush and ready to learn, I have some basic coding experience with javascript, but I am still learning so a simple

Semantic segmentation with detectron2

I used Detectron2 to train a custom model with Instance Segmentation and worked well. There are several Tutorials on google colab with Detectron2 using Instance

How to collapse the code section in Google Colab Notebook but keeping the results shown?

As you can read on the title, I'm currently trying to make the code section collapsing without collapsing also the results section. For example without the coll

Is running Selenium on Google Colab possible?

I'm having difficulty working with Selenium directly from Google Colab. Whenever I run the code below on my local machine I get success, however I would like to

Google collab pip doesn't get recent package version

I'm using Goggle colab to test code that I maintain in PyPI. However, the runtime environment does not recognize the existence of recent versions of my package.

File exists but Colab says no such file found

I mounted the files from google drive correctly with the following code. from google.colab import drive drive.mount('/content/gdrive') base_path = "/content/gdr

Having Issues Loading the CelebA dataset on Google Colab Using Pytorch

I need to load the CelebA dataset for a Python (Pytorch) implementation of the following paper: The original code for loadi

Achieving the equivalent of Google CoLab @param markup in Jupyter without CoLab

Google Colab has some unique embedded markdown features which are not present in Jupyter markdown. For example, this produces a slider: #@title SEIR Model with

Why did Selenium stop working today on Colab?

Screen Shot Link to workbook showing issue:` !apt-get update !apt install

Kivy/MySQL/colab-google Mysql request does not work

I'm using python/Kivy/MySQL/colab-google to compile an apk. When I run the app on Android, I give the command to register the app shuts down. import k

'str' object has no attribute 'decode' for tensorflow in colab?

I'm a beginner of deeplearning.I copied the code with python3 in colab. Code is from the book called"Book - Practical Deep Learning for Cloud, Mobile & Edge is unsupported in this environment

I am using Colab instance that is connected to Google Cloud to train a neural model using NVIDIA A100-SXM4-40GB. I want to load my files from my Google Drive bu