Snowflake's federation authentication documentation does not explicitly mention Customer Identity Access Management (CIAM):
I have a code where I read the file data as blob. I have implemented using the old gapi, how do I migrate from the older Google Sign-In platform library to the
In my project, I use regular popup client-sided JS authentication (platform client) I migrated from old Google Sign in to new Google Identity Platform (gsi cli
I am following to add Google sign-in to my ReactJS app. I added <script>
gapi.oauth2 is being deprecated so I'm trying to set up Google Sign In using the new GIS Client. However I'm having a serious issue when the user grants access
I am trying to send additional attributes along with standard values in request body of IdentityToolKit signUp and signIn APIs. for example POST API : https://i
I'd like to use Google One Tap in my Angular 11 app. Following the documentation I added <script async defer src="">
I have been trying to implement Google's identity services API in my React app, but couldn't get it to work. I'm trying to implement the following really simple
We use GCP Identity Platform to manage multi-tenant authentication with email and password provider. Google provides a way to configure email templates that are
I am trying to use the google APIs to read emails and I'm repeatedly failing to get good results. It is supposed to be a server->server account that runs per
I'm trying to put a google sign in button inside my Vue2 project, so I tried to follow the instructions here
I managed to implement the relatively new One-Tap sign-up/sign-in flows, following the get started guide here. I also have other login methods working on the sa
I am currently working on migration to One-Tap Sign-In, and after I tried few times on the device, my device gets blacklisted with exception (Caller has been te
I'm following a seemingly outdated documentation page at When signing in